KKN 59 UNAIR PSDKU Team Focuses on Developing Banyuwangi Community

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EXPLANATION of 59th Thematic KKN participants at Sabha Swagata Hall of Blambangan-Banyuwangi (Photo: Erlin Qur’atul)

UNAIR NEWS – Student of Community Service Program (KKN) Learning with Community (BBM) 59th Thematic Banyuwangi program officially released on Friday, January 4 in Sabha Swagata Blambangan Hall, Banyuwangi.

The release procession was attended by representatives of Banyuwangi government, University Airlangga Community Service Institution (LPM) and representatives of UNAIR Alumni Association, as well as KKN 59 participating students consisting of several faculties in Surabaya and UNAIR PSDKU Banyuwangi.

Students who joined in the release procession were from Faculty of Science and Technology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Public Health, Faculty of Economics and Business, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, and Faculty of Humanities.

In his remarks, Prof. Dr. H. Jusuf Irianto, M.Com., as Head of LPM UNAIR showed his gratitude towards Banyuwangi government for accepting UNAIR students in 59th Thematic KKN BBM activity in Banyuwangi.

He appealed students to continue uphold Excellence With Morality in KKN by applying their knowledge, and maintaining their manners. As well, students should always be able to adapt in the new environment so KKN students can be well received by the community.

“Optimizing various existing facilities such as 24-hour Wifi at village hall, so there will be no excuses for not being able to access the internet, as we know that we has entered the era of 4.0 industrial revolution,” said Prof. Jusuf.

The speech delivered by Prof. Jusuf was emphasized to UNAIR PSDKU Banyuwangi students. Because in its vision, PSDKU UNAIR Banyuwangi is determined to serve the community. Therefore, this KKN program is a step to succeed the vision of PSDKU UNAIR Banyuwangi.

The release of KKN 59 was also attended by Head of Banyuwangi District, Head of Bappeda Dr. Suyanto Waspotondo Wicaksono, M.Si., who represented Regent of Banyuwangi because he was unable to attend.

In his speech, Suyanto explained that students could take lessons from Banyuwangi district development. One example is reducing the ego nature. In advancing Banyuwangi, the government is trying to reduce sectoral egos. So from that Banyuwangi which had not yet developed because there was still an ego in each sector, now Banyuwangi Government has also found a solution by doing sectoral synergies.

“As a student, you must recognize each other’s potential, do everything according to your potential, and evaluate what has happened. That is what Banyuwangi did to become like today, “said Suyanto.

In addition, UNAIR alumni were also invited to provide motivation and input to KKN 59 participants, H. Taufiq Hidayat, SpAnd., M.Kes., as UNAIR alumni and Director of Blambangan Regional General Hospital (RSUD), Banyuwangi Regency.

Taufiq advised KKN 59 students to be safe during KKN, especially those who served in Tegaldlimo District. Because, the dengue fever is still high in there. He also told UNAIR to be active and gain more relation.

“Don’t ever feel insecure for being part of a large family of Universitas Airlangga, because in Banyuwangi, Director of Blambangan Hospital and RSUD Genteng are all UNAIR graduates. So take advantage of that network to develop your potential, “concluded Taufiq. (*)

Author: Bastian Ragas

Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh

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