UNAIR NEWS – “Preventing is better than curing” a proverb that we often hear in our everyday life to avoid various diseases.
Village Committee and Kampung Mitra (Deputra) held a socialization of hand and dental health for Cupak Village’s Children, Ngusikan Subdistrict, Jombang Regency on Friday Morning, December 21.
The person in charge of this activity, Dendi Luis said the activity was aimed at making Cupak Village’s children wash their hand and brush their teeth properly.
“Since a lot of children don’t understand how to brush their teeth and wash their hands sometimes, so we teach them,” said student of History Sciences.
The activity began with Cupak village’s children line up with each of them carrying a toothbrush and a bottle of water. The committee then gave toothpaste on their toothbrushes.
With the intention of reviving the atmosphere, committee invited children to sing a song titled “toothbrush”. When they sang together, the children were really enthusiastic while singing with committee.
“Sikat-sikat gigi jangan lupa pastanya, bulat kiri bulat kanan bulat juga depan, sapu bawah kiri kanan sapu atas kiri kanan lurus bawah kiri, kanan lurus atas kiri kanan, sikat juga lidahnya satu kali saja lalu kumur dua kali dan buang airnya” with hand movements followed by children.
After brushing teeth, committee invited the children to do hand washing. With a more sophisticated movement, the committee taught rubbing the hands from back to front, between thumbs, and fingernails.
Children laughed while spraying water hose to the committee as a sign of their happiness. Even one of the children named Bambang also helped the committee clean up the remaining soap sticking in the hands of his friends.
During the event, Luis said to UNAIR NEWS that he hoped Cupak Village’s children could use their free time with useful activities, such as learning to wash their hands and brush their teeth that had been done by the committee.
The activity ended with the distribution of prizes for children who answer questions about how to brush their teeth and wash their hands that had been taught by committee (*).
Author: Fariz Ilham Rosyidi
Editor: Nuri Hermawan