59 UNAIR Banyuwangi PKM Proposals Passed Internal Selection. Here are Garuda Sakti Steps!

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Giving direction to all PKM teams located in Surabaya UNAIR. (Photo: Courtesy)

UNAIR NEWS – Student Creativity Program (PKM) is an event for students to develop and apply their ideas during lectures, not least for students of Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR). Ranked 7th in 2018 National Student Scientific Week (PIMNAS), UNAIR continues to improve in order to be better.

PSDKU UNAIR in Banyuwangi was also active in the development of PKM in UNAIR. Proven with the increasing number of proposals sent to UNAIR Surabaya each year, the increasing number of proposals that have been successfully funded by PIMNAS, and several teams have successfully passed to PIMNAS.

Alvin Avia Apriliana, head of UNAIR Banyuwangi Garuda Sakti (GS) period 2019 explained, for PKM 2019 was quite satisfying. The number of PKM proposals for UNAIR Banyuwangi students who successfully passed internal selection were 59 proposals from 120 proposals submitted.

“This is really satisfying, because the percentage increases. For example, from FKH, the proposals submitted were 24 proposals while those who succeeded passed 21 proposals, so the presentation reached 87.5%, “Alvin said.

To maximize the results of the proposals that successfully passed the internal selection, GS UNAIR Banyuwangi took a decisive step, PKM team who passed the internal selection was required to attend the revision post.

This step is taken because it’s more effective. Because, the proposals from the PKM teams that were still incorrect, could be corrected and revised by GS team UNAIR Banyuwangi, then if we upload it on Kemenristekdikti website, the possibility of passing funding is bigger.

“Because in 2018, the implementation of the revision post was not maximal, so the feasibility of the proposals to be uploaded to the Directorate of Higher Education was not monitored,” he added.

In 2019, UNAIR gets 700 proposal slots which are entitled to be uploaded to Dikti. From 700 proposals, UNAIR Banyuwangi received a percentage of 12% of the total proposals entitled to upload. Even though the percentage is not too large, if seen between the number of proposals collected and the number of proposals that have passed internally, UNAIR Banyuwangi has a greater percentage.

As the new head of GS PSDKU UNAIR Banyuwangi, Alvin hopes that UNAIR Banyuwangi will be more enthusiastic in terms of PKM. According to him, UNAIR Banyuwangi is no less competitive with other universities including Surabaya UNAIR. Because UNAIR Banyuwangi also has capabilities in the field of writing that are not inferior to others.

“We, from Garuda Sakti, hope that many students are interested in joining the PKM and the number of teams that pass the PIMNAS can be more than in previous years,” he concluded. (*)

Author: Bastian Ragas

Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh

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