Being Productive in The End of Year for Airlangga Bojonegoro Community

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One of ABC activities is serving and teaching children in remote areas of Bojonegoro. (Photo: Courtesy)

UNAIR NEWS – Semester break on the end of year does not make Regional Student Organizations (Ormada) UNAIR students from Bojonegoro to stop learning. In odd semester break that coincided with New Year celebration, the community known as Airlangga Bojonegoro Community (ABC) returned to be productive in beginning of this semester break.

Studying in Surabaya does not necessarily make this group students from Bojonegoro forget about their hometown. This was proven by doing community service in their hometown.

Moleh Omah Project  became a routine agenda that has been done by ABC since 2015 management year. Being an annual project, Moleh Omah Project has always made innovation in every implementation. In the end of this year, ABC has prepared at least eight major agendas which will be carried out in Bojonegoro.

The agenda were ABC Serving and Teaching (Village community service ABC); Call For Essay 7th (Esay Competition and Seminar); Business Visit (Entrepreneur learning and sharing); AFC (Airlangga Futsal Competition) or Futsal Competition Between High School / Vocational School Students; Njungok Ormada (Gathering and Discussion with Ormada / Orda Bojonegoro from various campuses); Goes To School (Socialization Program to Schools); Try Out ABC; and closed with Awarding Night.

According to Indra Pratama as Head of ABC, in addition to spend the semester break, a series of these agendas has purpose to accommodate ABC’s creativity to contribute in Bojonegoro. Furthermore, this activity intended for all Bojonegoro students in UNAIR. From freshman to senior and even for alumni.

“For Airlangga Bojonegoro Community and all of Jonegoro children who are studying in UNAIR, go ahead and spread the positive energy to Bojonegoro and UNAIR,” Indra said.

“Like our jargon, Friendly, Useful, Matoh Pol. This is the part of spirit, prayer, hope and effort to merge into one,” he concluded. (*)


Author: Wiwik Yuni Eryanti Ningrum

Editor: Ferri Fenoria

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