UNAIR NEWS – “Nurse must play an active role as agents of change in facing MEA. Nurse should have a courage and be better in improving service quality on nursing profession. “The motivation was conveyed by Dean of Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Airlangga Prof. Dr. Nursalam, M. Nurs (Hons), gave his remarks in Nursing Inauguration at Airlangga Convention Center on Tuesday, 18 December.
There was Secretary General of Regional Executive Board Indonesian National Nurses Association (PPNI) of East Java Misutarno, S. Kep., NS., M. Kep who also inaugurated 89 nurses from student transfer program (D3 to S1). Prof. Nursalam said, today is a beginning of their time to devote themselves in community. Nurse should demonstrate superiority and professionalism.
“Today is the beginning of new day. It’s your own choice, either you use your insight to be useful or not.” concluded Prof. Nursalam.
The room surrounded by happiness and compassion. Prof. Nursalam expressed his gratitude for Faculty of Nursing Universitas Airlangga, which received A accreditation in Nursing Profession study program and Nursing Education study program. Especially for nurse graduate. He appealed to nurses to take part in the community and join ASEAN Economic Community (MEA) era.
“MEA should be prepared properly and thoroughly. Competencies must be prepared are ethic and legal practice, professional nursing practice, leadership and management, education and research, professional and personal and quality development, “he said.
“He also expressed his gratitude. Hopefully, Faculty of Nursing alumni continues in establishing communication and support for almamater and give input to be better.” he added. (*)
Author: Khefti Al Mawalia
Editor: Feri Fenoria