FKM UNAIR Banyuwangi Train Children to Make Nutritious Breakfast

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Photo SESSION between Public Health Study lecturer of Universitas Airlangga in Banyuwangi and student from MIN 1 (Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri) Banyuwangi on Friday, 14 December. (Photo: Agestin Awalin Kartikasari)

UNAIR NEWS – UNAIR as academic insitution are certainly know about the three things which called higher education tri dharma. Specifically, doing education, research, and community service.

Talking about community service, Faculty of Public Health (FKM) Off Main Campus Study Program (PSDKU) Universitas Airlangga in Banyuwangi held activities at MIN 1 (Negeri Madrasah Ibtidaiyah) Banyuwangi on Friday, 14 December. The activity raised the theme of “Healthy Menu Creation Based on Local Food”.

When Head of Committee Syifaul Lailiyah, S.KM., M.Kes met UNAIR NEWS team, she justified the implementation of this community service. The activity targeted students in three classes, classes V-A, V-B, and V-C.

Photo SESSION between Public Health Study lecturer of Universitas Airlangga in Banyuwangi and student from MIN 1 (Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri) Banyuwangi on Friday, 14 December. (Photo: Agestin Awalin Kartikasari)

“Our community service is Healthy Menu Creation Based on Local Food and we targeted to student in Elemantary School to maintain their healthy breakfast, “he said.

“The purpose was to make children to eat breakfast before school as their habit. We know that in the morning, children sometimes are being lazy to eat their breakfast or they dont have time for it. Therefore, it is important that they eat their breakfast. “Beside that, they also need a good nutrition from their breakfast,” added FKM UNAIR lecturer in Banyuwangi.

Syifaul revealed, the purpose of this community service was to stimulate children to learn more about healthy lifestyle. The stimulation is expected to provide them insight so, children will be attracted to a healthy and nutritious food.

“The goal was to provide a variety of healthy food menu. In addition, children can choose based on menu that contains healthy nutrition. Then, we made it together, “said Syifaul.

“While the second goal was to educate them. We hoped that their knowledge and awareness to eat healthy breakfast will increase, “he added.

From this event, Syifaul hoped that children can learn and transfer their insight on what they have gotten from school. Including giving other references to their mothers about the foods that they like, especially about healthy and nutritious food.

“On the other hand, we want this community service to continue in the future. This year was targeted for children, next year it might be for their mother or it can be for a healthy catering or canteen entrepreneur in schools. The purpose was to continue this activity, especially as an effort for everyone to join this healty lifestyle movement.” said Syifaul. (*)


Author: Reza Faujia (Student S1 PSDKU Banyuwangi Public Health) / Ferry Fenoria

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