D3 Nursing Study Program Presses Number of Early Marriage in Cerme, Gresik

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UNAIR NEWS – The emergence of problems in community was responded by Universitas Airlangga through a community service program. One of them was carried out by D3 Nursing Study Program, Faculty of Vocational Studies Universitas Airlangga in Gedangkulut Village, Cerme District, Gresik Regency.

Based on previous observations, through government administrative data, the region has problems related to high rate of early marriage. In 2015, the marital status reached 83.3 percent of all marriages involving women under 20 years old and 44.4 percent for women above 20 years old.

One of the committee as well as member of Dr. Lestari Sudaryanti M. Kes team said that community service was an effort to show nursing study program activities in overcoming problems in community. Considering, the study program was still new. Which was a result of merger between Nursing Academy (Akper) of Gresik Regency Government and Nursing Academy Lamongan Regency Government.

“The merger between two nursing academies into D3 Nursing Study Program, Faculty of Vocational Studies UNAIR was part of the regional government health education transfer to state universities (UNAIR, ed),” he said.

He added, this was in accordance with the mandate of UU No. 12 of 2012 concerning Higher Education and UU No. 23 of 2014 concerning Regional Government. Therefore, activities that relate directly to the community are a priority for academic activities. Especially, it is an effort to strengthen tri dharma of higher education.

“Hence, the team immediately chose Gedangkulut Village as an object of community service,” he said.

In addition focusing on the socialization of the consequence of early marriage, the team conducted community services related to other health problems. Among other things, the importance of uterine health. Several activities was a place for people to consultate .

“This service is based on government administration data,” he said.

Community Service Team Vocational D3 Nursing Study Program, Universitas Airlangga organized a socialization of the consequences in early marriage and health to Edangkulut Village resident, Cerme District, Gresik. (Photo: Courtesy)

Several reason for early marriage high rate were the low socio-economic status of community and public myth about being virgin and still not married above the age of 20 years is considered late for women. Including the fear of violations of ethical norms and religion if women are not married immediately.

Explained by lestari, community service was held for three months. Starting from September to November 2018. Several academics from the D3 nursing study program carried out some phased activities in there.

“Among other things, counseling, organization training, and IVA (Visual Inspection with Acetic Acid, ed) examination as part of the early detection of cervical cancer,” he said.

One hundred women who were married under 20 years were examined by IVA. As a result, 41 percent were positive. Therefore, they are required to undergo treatment as a follow-up to the results of the examination, namely Cryotherapy in order to cure the abnormalities found.

“This community service also works with the Cerme Health Center as a health coach in Gedangkulut Village. “This community service is one of the concerns and contributions of Universitas Airlangga to the health of Gresik Regency and its surroundings,” said Lestari. (*)

Author: Ferry Fenoria Rifa’i

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