Starting a Business, Baihaqi Becomes Outstanding Graduate

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Mochammad Baihaqi Al Chasan an outstanding entrepreneur graduate. (Photo Illustration: Ferry Fenoria Rifai)

UNAIR NEWS – The thought of making a business during his time on college never crossed in Mochammad Baihaqi Al Chasan’s mind before. A student from History major in Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Airlangga batch 2011 succeeded in establishing QIA Catering and became an outstanding graduate in entrepreneurship field with his GPA 3,46.

A student who was born in Blitar, May 17 1992 said that in beginning of his business, he was being pressed financially. After his Bidikmisi scholarship that covered all of his tuition in college over, Bai had to take a year more of his study because he failed on his research proposal examination for his thesis project.

In order to finance his thesis research, Bai offered to be Master of Ceremony (MC) or electone singer in few event then he decided to work part time at fast food restaurant.

“At first, I imagined that I would finish my thesis on time even though I worked but then it turned out that I was wrong,” he added.

Working in a restaurant for a year gave him insight on how to open, maintain a culinary business, create new creative ideas in culinary, manage time and human resources in a food company organization.

On early August 2017 along with three colleagues, Bai established a daily catering business called QIA Catering. His idea of making this business is because people dont  really have time to cook, thus he wanted to bring a solution with this catering business.

Head of FIB Student Executive Board (BEM) 2014 added that the products offered were daily catering, lunch catering, rice boxes, roasted rice, various tradional snacks, Tumpeng rice, and traditional drinks (sinom). Currently the business turnover reaches 12 million rupiah. Led by three people, this business has two employees, three freelance employees, four couriers, and two freelance couriers.

“In the future I want to establish a 3F business (Food, Fashion, and Fun) which in this case fun project is a historical educational tour for children. So from that I want to take a Master degree in Education Museum major and also return to my initial goal of becoming a lecturer, “he concluded. (*)

Author: M. Najib Rahman

Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh

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