64th Anniversary, UNAIR Holds Wayang Orang Performance “Maharaja Airlangga”

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Maharaja Airlangga
GALUH Sekar (left) and Airlangga followed the wedding procession in the wayang orang performance entitled "Maharaja Airlangga" in East Java Cultural Park Performance Hall (Cak Durasim, ed) on Friday night (30/11). (Photo: Feri Fenoria Rifa'i)

UNAIR NEWS – In celebrating its 64th anniversary, Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) held a wayang orang (play) performance show titled “Maharaja Airlangga” in the East Java Cultural Park Performance Hall (Cak Durasim, Red) on Friday night, November 30

Wayang Airlangga initiator, Dr. Sri Tedi Rusdy, SH., M. Hum. in her speech said that the Airlangga wayang performance had been performed for five times. Three as plays, and two as shadow puppet shows.

“From the five shows, hopefully Airlangga story can be performed continuously, because we can get Airlangga’s inspiration, enthusiasm, courage, and intelligence in building the country,” explained FIB alumni of UNAIR.

Meanwhile, UNAIR Rector Prof. Dr. Moh. Nasih, SE., MT., CMA., AK., in his speech also said that Airlangga’s struggle to improve the welfare of its people should be known collectively.

“We need to know how King Airlangga’s role in striving for the welfare of his people in Kingdom of Kahuripan,” he explained.

Wayang Airlangga Play

The play that raised the story of Maharaja Airlangga was opened by the dance performed by Diah Ayu Gayatri. Then continued with singing of Sugih Tanpo Bondo and Mirah Ingsun songs from Sujiwo Tejo.

After that, there is a scene where Sang Bhatara Wisnu tells Garudeya to his ride. By spreading wisdom, he incarnated into a prince who was destined to be king in Java, Airlangga.

The show was even more exciting when it depicted Airlangga’s engagement with Galuh Sekar. At that time, Pralaya happened, King Wurawari massacred the descendants of Mpu Sindok in Kingdom of Medang. All of the Isyana people died, except Prince Airlangga and his followers who could save themselves.

With his most loyal followers, Narottama. Airlangga took refuge and live in solitary Sidayu. After gaining enlightenment, Airlangga built a kingdom that was ruined from Wurawari’s attack.

In the end Airlangga was able to make his enemy bow and take back the reins of power in Java. He made his people prosperous by developing economic, cultural, religious and infrastructure fields such as the Wringin Sapta Dam.

Performance directed by Heri Lentho and written by Setyaji received great appreciation from the audience. Even culturalist Sujiwo Tejo was also present to witness the play. (*)

Author: Fariz Ilham Rosyidi

Editor: Feri Fenoria


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