Rector Gives Awards to Four Outstanding Alumni

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Rector and four outstanding alumni
Head of MWA UNAIR Prof. Hatta Ali; Head of KPU Arief Budiman S.S., S.IP., MBA.; Lusia Efriani Kiroyan, S.S.; Prigi Arisandi, S.Si., M.Si.; Rector UNAIR Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nasih, SE., Mt., Ak., CMA; Head of Academic SenateUNAIR Prof. Joewono Soeroso. (Photo: Bambang Bes)

UNAIR NEWS–In the same day with Universitas Airlangga 64th Anniversary celebration, Rector Prof. Moh Nasih gave awards to four outstanding alumni and three foreign strategic partners. The four alumni, according to their study fields, have been graduates who bring benefits to society.

Their achivement were not only in national, but also international area. There were four alumni, Arief Budiman S.S., S.IP., MBA.; Prigi Arisandi, S.Si., M.Si.; Lusia Efriani Kiroyan, S.S.; dan Dr. Desra Percaya. Here are a few profiles of the four award recipients:

  1. Arief Budiman S.S., S.IP., MBA.

Arief Budiman was the orator in the University Assembly of 64th Anniversary, Universitas Airlangga on Saturday 10 November. He is an alumnus of UNAIR who is currently works as Head of Indonesian General Election Commission (KPU).

His career in government realm began when Arief was appointed as a member of the East Java KPU on 2004-2008 and then continued in the next period on 2008-2013. After becoming a member of commissioner on 2012-2017, in the following period, Arif succeeded in reaching the peak of his career at the KPU RI. He was elected as Head of KPU RI for 2017-2022.

Arief graduated from International Relations (HI) of Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) Universitas Airlangga. During his college year, he was the head of HI Student Association.

His organizational experience gave him knowledge and experience that was not taught in class. For example, how to get along, communicate, build work teams, and overcome things in a positive and constructive way.

  1. Prigi Arisandi, S.Si.,M.Si.

Prigi Arisandi is an inspiring alumnus and environmental activist. Prigi is an alumnus of UNAIR from Biology major, Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) UNAIR.

He became an environmental activist who was often called as River Defender. His concern about Surabaya river condition which was not suitable for water consumption is the main reason for why he became as an activist in this field.

Through Ecoton, Prigi works hard to save Surabaya river from contamination. He also actively gave public awareness about the importance of maintaining water ecosystems in environment for healthier and better future.

  1. Lusia Efriani Kiroyan, S.S.

Lusia Efriani Kiroyan is an Inspirational Alumna – Activist for women’s empowerment. She is an alumna of Universitas Airlangga majoring in English Literature, Faculty of Humanities (FIB). Lusia was the founder of the Cinderella Learning Center from Indonesia Center.

The Learning House, dedicated for children and single parents who came from low income family. It is also called Castle for those who need it.

She gave entrepreneurial skills for single parents and teaching English to parents who came from low income family for free. She is an child and women’s empowerment activist and spent 3 years on empowering homeless mother in the streeet and HIV sufferers. She also held a project to empower prisoners who were called the Batik Girl Project.

  1. Desra Percaya

Dr. Desra is a domestic partner of Universitas Airlangga He opened the way to collaborate with Africa by building an Africa study center in UNAIR. The Africa study center will later support UNAIR researchers to conduct joint research with researchers from Africa, to increase academic peerlist and international staff as adjunct professors, and open up markets for research disseminationproductsfrom Universitas Airlangga.

The FISIP alumnus is also allowed and fully supported by Ministry of Foreign Affairs staff to become teaching staff at Universitas Airlangga as outstanding lecturers..

UNAIR Rector congratulated the award that was given to all of four alumni. He also motivated all the students who were there to continue their steps and make UNAIR proud.

“Congratulations to all of the alumni. Hopefully this award can inspire students,”said Rector. (*)

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