Cooperating with Ministry of Foreign Affairs, FISIP UNAIR Establishes African Study Center

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African Study Center UNAIR
Accompanied by Dean of FISIP UNAIR, Vice Rector III UNAIR Prof. Amin signed the MoU with Dr. Siswo from the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs’s BPPK. (Photo: Nuri Hermawan)


UNAIR NEWS – Study center is one of the important things for University. In addition to being a forum for strengthen the role of higher education as an institution for education and research, it is also to strengthen the collaboration and cooperation.

For this reason, through the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP), Universitas Airlangga conducted a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Policy Assessment and Development Agency (BPPK), Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Republic of Indonesia to establish African Study Center.

Located at the Plenary Room, Management Office, Campus C UNAIR on Friday 9 November, the establishment of African Study Center FISIP UNAIR was attended by Vice Rector III Prof. Mochammad Amin Alamsjah, Ir., M.Si., Ph.D, along with some UNAIR leaders. In his speech, Prof. Amin said that the establishment of African Study Center FISIP UNAIR was a matter of pride for UNAIR. Given that it will add to various study centers that UNAIR already has.

“Not only that, the urgency of the Center for African Studies certainly cannot be separated from the importance of Africa position in this world.” It is because Africa is one of the oldest cultural regions in the world,” he explained.

With this study center, Prof. Amin added that it was one way to do a good cooperation in the fields of education, research, and community service. Later, it will become something different and unique, if African Study Center will be maintained under FISIP UNAIR, it will become the best study center in science & technology fields.

“Moreover, this is also a program that is encouraged by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education. And going forward, we sincerely hope that the African Study Center FISIP UNAIR will be great in the future,” he explained.

Meanwhile, Head of Policy Assessment and Development Agency, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Republic of Indonesia Dr. Siswo Pramono, who is also a UNAIR alumni, said that UNAIR is growing rapidly.

“There are a lot of foreign students studying here. As an alumnus, this kind of event is like returning home for me, “he said.

According to him, African Study Center FISIP UNAIR is one of the places to explore many things from Africa. Thus, it could be an effort to strengthen the role of the nation.

Moreover, it can support in the realm of political, business and educational cooperation with various policies in Africa. UNAIR International Relation alumnus emphasized that from BPPK, Ministry of Foreign Affairs will be ready to help contribute in developing African Study Center FISIP UNAIR.

“Because this is the part of diplomatic efforts carried out by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in various Asian study centers in African countries. Hopefully, this cooperation can provide more benefits between Indonesia and Africa.” he concluded.

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