UNAIR Contributes for Palu-Donggala by Giving ‘Trauma Healing’ and ‘Assessment’

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UNAIR NEWSUNAIR students gave trauma healing, taught children to read Quran, supported healthcare services, public kitchens, and also assisted in the assessment process as volunteers in Palu and its surroundings in Central Sulawesi, after the earthquake, tsunami and liquefaction on 28 September 2018.

The information received by unair.news from Donggala on Thursday, 1 November, on collaboration from UNAIR students for their humanity mission was confirmed by dr. Suwaspodo Henry Wibowo, Sp.And., MARS, Yayasan Ksatria Medika Airlangga’s secretary (YKMA). The volunteer team were from BEM UKM Tanggap Bencana (Mahagana) , Scouts, Menwa, Wanala, and KSR PMI.

With Ksatria Airlangga Floating Hospital (RST-KA) ship, YKMA, which was established by UNAIR Alumni Association initiatedthe humanity action to Central Sulawesi. UNAIR student’s also joined to help activities of RST-KA ship, including in its field hospitals.

Head of UNAIR Mahagana team, Tirta Muhammad Rizki and Wahyu Setyo Putro (Wadan Team), informed that there was trauma healing activity held in Dusun Silaru, Desa Sindosa. there were at least 50 people showed up in this event. The activities for trauma healing were origami crafts, games competition for children and prizes distribution.

Then, there were children mentoring activities, which was held in SD Negeri Sindue Tobata 1, followed by 47 students. Its activities included drawing games, reading lesson, storytelling, singing, and ice breaking games like gobak sodor. In the end of the day, all of the students got free milk.

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Education mentoring for children held outside mostly for children in kindergarten and elementary school. (Photo: RST-KA Doc)

Reading Quran mentoring was given in several mosques, which were attended by mostly elementary school students. Moreover, UNAIR students also helped to  prepare food and drinks in  public kitchens for volunteers and refugees.

In healthcare division, activities carried out by students including helped medical staff in counseling and general health checks, and dental health education. For example, in Dusun Silaru dan di Dusun Saloya, there were between 45 and 60 people joined.

The assessment activities held in Dusun Silaru diDonggala Regency for example. , the students assessed the current condition of public facilities such as mosques, elementary and junior high schools, and many more. In addition, they also helped the implementation of Training for Trainer (ToT) at Desa Batusuya hall.

The ToT held in collaboration with a social humanity organization and provides material for local volunteers in anticipation of disasters, regarding public kitchens, plotting of volunteers, trauma healing, logistics, medical, assessments, and other PMI problems.

From Ksatria Airlangga Field Hospital, dr. Swastika said that mostly people got ISPA (Upper Respiratory Tract Infection) and Myalgia (aches, rheumatic pain) from the data in Puskesmas Batusuya, Puskesmas Kayuwuo, Posko Siusu, di Kab. Donggala.

Mostly, the patients were adult women, then followed by children, also elderly and toddlers who got infected. The lack of medical supply were still one of few problems. Some patients also refused to get medical check up. Assessment for latrines or sanitary system was also a concern from UNAIR volunteer team. (*)

Author: Bambang Bes

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