UNAIR Hospital Inaugurates Endoscopic Service Unit

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Endoscopic UNAIR
dr. Ulfa Kholili, Sp.PD-KGEH (on the left) doctor in charge of endoscopic service unit, on Wednesday, October 31. (Photo: Binti Q. Masruroh)

UNAIR NEWSUniversitas Airlangga Teaching Hospital inaugurated a new unit for endoscopic services on Wednesday, October 31. The inauguration of this new unit increase the number of services and facilities provided by hospitals to provide optimal service to the community.

The inauguration was attended by Director General of  Resources for Science, Technology and Higher Education Prof. dr. Ali Ghufron Mukti. M.Sc Ph.D, with leaders of UNAIR Hospital. Regarding the inauguration of the new unit, Prof. dr. Ali Ghufron said that UNAIR Hospital as a teaching hospital under the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education has shown rapid development.

“Our UNAIR Hospital will soon be pushed towards independence. There must be new ideas and development, “said Prof. Ali.

Hopefully, as a teaching hospital, UNAIR Hospital is not only for education, services, but also new research and innovation. For this reason, new ideas are carried out was opening an endoscopic service unit.

Through the opening of endoscopic services, Prof. Ali hoped that later the examination can be better, the diagnosis can be more precise, and the treatment can be better. So that, it can be more effective and efficient. It can encourage the independence of UNAIR Hospital .

UNAIR Hospital as an teaching hospital, continued Prof. Ali, is expected to respond to changes continuously especially, in the industrial revolution era 4.0, where everything is about internet of things , big data, and tele.

“So, there will be hospital without wall. Anywhere can provide services including endoscopic consult. We hope, there is a kind of consult service. So that it can be faster, more precise and more efficient, “he explained.

Meanwhile, Director of UNAIR Hospital Prof. Dr. Nasronuddin, dr., Sp. PD., KPTI-FINASIM in his speech said that in 2018, UNAIR Hospital was trusted by the rector to manage the hospital independently, both for financial management and HR.

Prof. Nasron revealed that in early 2016, UNAIR Hospital received 97.6 percent of BPJS patients. From year to year, he and his team continue to strive to get more non-BPJS patients.

“Until today, there are 6 general insurance in collaboration with UNAIR Hospital. Our target for 2020 is 30 percent of patients are non-BPJS, “he explained.

The development of endoscopic service unit is done to improve the productivity of UNAIR Hospital. This endoscopic service is a development service. The goal is to improve service optimization and develop what does not yet exist at the hospital.

“This internet era of things, all services are internet-based. If someone was sick in the past and just came to the hospital, now we are more pro-active. This responds to changes in its relation to the 4.0 industrial revolution, “explained Prof. Nasron. (*)

Author: Binti Q. Masruroh

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