Accounting Students Invite Macanputih Farmer Group to Use Papaya

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PSDKU UNAIR at Macanputih Village
Freshmen of Accounting program PSDKU UNAIR Banyuwangi disseminates the use of papaya to the Macanputih Village farmer group, Sunday, October 28. (Private Doc.)

UNAIR NEWS – Freshmen of Accounting Department PSDKU Universitas Airlangga Banyuwangi have done a community service in the form of dissemination on the use of papaya. The dissemination was given to farmers in Macanputih Village, Kabat Sub-district, Banyuwangi Regency, Sunday, October 28.

The community service called FORZA, which has been going on since mid-September, was promoted by the Communication and Information Division (Communication and Information) of Accounting Student Association (HMA).

HMA Head Sulistyo Primadani revealed that this community service was carried out as an advanced form of regeneration event for freshmen. The goal is to foster awareness and fulfill the third mission of Higher Education Tri Dharma, community service.

“We managed to target 30 farmers in Macanputih Village, which is divided into 10 farmer groups. They are scattered throughout the Macanputih Village area, “said Fathan Taufiq, head of the community service, a new student of Accounting Program at PSDKU UNAIR Banyuwangi.

The series of community service event was from morning to evening, starting from the provision of materials, games, and the practice of making products from papaya.

“We explained to the farmer groups about the use of papaya fruit. The seeds can be used as coffee and the fruit is used for jam. And many other processed papaya innovations. We named the product Oppay for branding, “stated Fathan.

This activity is the inaugural activity of freshmen in the year 2018. Through this activity, Fathan hoped that Oppay products can become a typical processed food by Macanputih Village community. So that, it can improve the economy of the people there. (*)

Author: Siti Mufaidah

Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh


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