Questioning the Advantages and Risks of Early Schooling for Children

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Dr. Irwanto UNAIR
Dr. Irwanto, dr., Sp.A (K) (center) as the speaker in talkshow which was held in East Java Fair 2018 at Grand City Convention Hall on Wednesday, October 10. (Photo: Zanna Afia Deswari)

UNAIR NEWS – Every parent certainly wants the best for the children. One of them is by instilling education for children at an early age. At the age of 0-6 years, the child’s brain develops very rapidly. This phase is a golden age for child growth. In this age range, the child’s ability to absorb information and learn new things is fast.

So no wonder, if at this time many parents are competing to send their children to school as early as possible. Assuming that formal education from an early age will make children smarter and able to absorb knowledge better than other children. Moreover, it is a pride for parents when their children are able to complete their studies at a young age.

However, is that true?

Child development expert from Universitas Airlangga Hospital, Dr. Irwanto, dr., Sp.A (K) gave his answer in Jatim Fair 2018 talkshow. The talkshow was held on Wednesday, October 10 discussed issues related to the Risks and Advantages of Early Schooling. The biggest exhibition in Eastern Indonesia cooperated with practitioners of Universitas Airlangga Hospital to provide information and education around the world of health to public.

Questioning the problems that parents often experience about children’s education, Dr. Irwanto said that so far, a lot of parents were mistaken in defining early education for children. At present, pre-school age children tend to be pressured to take formal education material.

“What is wrong now is that many students of Early Education (PAUD), kindergartens have been given homeworks by the teacher. Even though children of their age are not worthy of homework. They are still in the stage of knowing their environment. So, let them play to enjoy the world, “he explained.

Dr. Irwanto explained, at the age of 2-3 years, the children’s ability to speak is still not fully developed, which is around 50-75 percent. The ability to speak to children, on average reaches the perfect stage when they are aged four. According to him, it is natural if later children at that age cannot do the tasks given by the school. Because, in this age range, children are still in the developmental stage of speaking ability.

“The education environment such as PAUD and kindergarten is a medium for children to learn socializing, let them enjoy the age of playing as they should. “Don’t be burdened with tasks and heavy lessons,” he explained.

Furthermore, Dr. Irwanto said, the ideal age of children to enter elementary school is 6-7 years old. But it does not mean that under this age the child is forbidden to go to school.

“If the child is capable, please send your children to school early. As long as it’s not forced by parents, it should be the child’s choice, “he added.

Research shows that children who go to school with mature age tend to be more able to manage emotions and understand lessons better than children who attend school at earlier age.

Although there is no denying that there are some children who are proven to be faster to absorb lessons at a younger age. Children like this usually have the ability or intelligence that is capable in the academic field.

However, for children who are not mentally prepared, the risk posed when forcing schools too early can lead to limited children’s communication skills, children have difficulty controlling emotions and lack of ability to solve problems.

An imperfect mental development will affect children’s learning spirit. Children will feel bored and bored quickly in the teaching and learning process. Parents who are not sensitive to this, are vulnerable to make children experience stressful conditions. Because, they must undergo a formal education process that tends to be boring. Children who should be happy and enjoy the world of play, must be faced with lessons that are not all in accordance with the age of development.

Dr. Irwanto appealed to parents to never compare children with one another. Every child has a different process of development from one another for thinking, emotion and intelligence and social. Therefore, parents and teachers must be able to understand the character and potential of each child, so that they can find the right way to stimulate the learning process according to their needs and abilities. (*)

Author: Zanna Afia Deswari

Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh


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