PP IKA UA Inaugurates Central Java Regional Management

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IKA UA Central Java
Ready for Synergy: IKA UA Central Java Regional Management after being appointed. (Photo: by courtesy)

UNAIR NEWS – After inaugurating regional managements in various regions, Central Executive of Universitas Airlangga Alumni Association (PP IKA UA) also inaugurated the IKA UA Management for Central Java Region. Being held at the Grand Arkenso Parkview Hotel Semarang, October 13, the inauguration was also packed with an alumni gathering.

On behalf of UNAIR Rector Dr. Muhammad Madyan, SE, M.Si., M.Fin., as Vice Rector II. In his speech, Madyan said that the alumni inauguration was a moment to strengthen the role of alumni for alma mater and nation. Not to forget, Madyan also talked about UNAIR’s efforts to achieve Top 500 world class universities. For this reason, various steps and breakthroughs need full support from all alumni.

“Of course, all the efforts and measures made by us, who are now in university, needs input, needs support and needs for encouragement from fellow alumni. Support in the form of ideas, thoughts and support in any form are expected” said the Vice Rector II.

Meanwhile, Dr. Muhammad Taufiqy S., Sp.OG (K)., as Chairman of the IKA UA Central Java Region said that after this inauguration phase, his party would carry out various activities. First thing to do is consolidation in internal management. The reason is, because not all administrators who have been appointed understood the characters of others.

“Therefore, we need an activity such as a conference to make a long-term plan. And we hope that all administrators can offer plans and work steps that we will formulate for the next five years, “he explained.

In addition to the policies and plans, it will also attempt to validate alumni data. Furthermore, he added, it is important to introduce IKA UA of Central Java Region in the midst of the community. According to him, there will be social services.

“And the most important thing of all is monitoring of every work program we do. Not only that, we hope that the management and members have a sense of belonging to the organization. Hopefully this organization is not just a place of friendship but in the future it can be a place that has economic value and others, “he concluded.

Author: Nuri Hermawan


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