UNAIR Ready to Encourage Curriculum and Research Innovation

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UNAIR NEWS – President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo has just held a meeting with leaders of state universities and officials of Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education. Being held in Presidential Palace on October 10, President Jokowi gave various instructions to policy makers in various universities in Indonesia.

The seventh president emphasized that he wanted various universities in Indonesia to respond quickly to the dynamics that occur in the world. In that case, President Jokowi reminded that the universities should be a place to innovate which can adapt quickly to the progress of the times .

“I have long called for programs offered by universities in Indonesia to adapt with the times,” said the President.

Regarding the instruction to produce programs that fit the needs of the times, President Jokowi provides an example of a policy carried out by Kent State University in Ohio, United States. According to him, one of the best universities in the world has provided Hospitality and Tourism Management Master’s program with an emphasis on regional, national, and global implications.

“Not only Kent State University, the University of Southern California also has Game Studies. We have to understand that nowadays young people love e-sports, they are happy with Mobile Legend, and it brings great income,” he said.

Responding to instructions from President Jokowi, Rector of Universitas Airlangga Prof. Nasih who was also present at the palace said that as State University Legal Entity, UNAIR had full authority to carry out various breakthroughs, especially in producing programs that were in line with the needs of the times.

“Of course, we are ready to respond to suggestions, input and instructions from the president,” said Prof. Nasih.

One of the efforts that UNAIR continues to do is to follow the dynamics of the times, added Prof. Nasih, UNAIR continues to innovate the education curriculum and improve the amount of research.  Prof. Nasih also said that it is part of UNAIR’s efforts to keep up in this sophisticated era.

“We continue to innovate and produce various policies in line with the needs of the times,” he concluded.

Author: Nuri Hermawan


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