UNAIR NEWS – Long before the Integrated Conjoined Twins Care Center (PPKST) Dr. Soetomo General Hospital FK UNAIR Surabaya was formed, the history of conjoined twins treatment had already begun since 1975.
In 1975, RSUD Dr. Soetomo – FK UNAIR was able to separate the first case of heteropagus conjoined twins aged 2 years from Tajau Pecah South Kalimantan. They were sent to Dr Soetomo Hospital by Banjarmasin Post reporter.
In 1990 the conjoined twin team of Dr. Soetomo Hospital – FK UNAIR chaired by Prof. dr. Erwin Sarwono, SpA (K) managed to separate female pygopagus conjoined twins from Kediri.
Since then, RSUD Dr. Soetomo handles the surgery of conjoined twins born in East Java, and becomes the referred hospital in Indonesia. At that time the handling process was not yet integrated. Even so, the conjoined twin operations carried out proved to bring real benefits. The existence of the conjoined twin team Dr. Soetomo is even better known.
In 2005, Dr. Soetomo Hospital Director, Dr. H. Slamet R Yuwono, DTM & H, MARS and Dean of FK UNAIR Prof. DR. Dr. HMS Wiyadi, SpTHT formed Conjoined Twins Surgery Team of Dr. Soetomo FK UNAIR.
At that time, the Conjoined Twin Surgery team, chaired by the late Prof. dr. Sylviati Damanik, SpA (K) managed to separate thoracoabdominopagus conjoined twins from Denpasar. It was relatively more organized, even though the organizational structure and management of conjoined twins were not yet complete.
On June 25, 2009 by Dr. Soetomo Hospital Director Dr. H. Slamet R Yuwono, DTM & H, MARS formed the Integrated Conjoined Twins Care Center Dr. Soetomo FK UNAIR, which was chaired by Agus Harianto, dr., SpA (K).
It consists of 125 doctors from several multidisciplinaries. Organizational structure and standard operational procedure were established to manage the conjoined twins integratedly, comprehensively and continuously.
The Organizational Structure and Standard Operational Procedure of the Integrated Conjoined Twin Care Center Dr. Soetomo Hospital FK UNAIR is always updated every period of administration, in 2014 by dr. Dodo Anondo, MPH and 2017 by dr. H. Harsono. Now the team members of Dr Soetomo FK UNAIR’s Integrated Conjoined Twin care Center are 117 people.
Now Dr. Soetomo-FK UNAIR Surabaya is known as a care center for conjoined twins in Indonesia. It is acquired from a long process of joy and sorrow maintaining a commitment.
In 1990, a great achievement was made when the Conjoined Twin Team of Dr. Soetomo Hospital, chaired by Prof. dr. Erwin Sarwono, SpA (K) as the team managed to separate female pygopagus conjoined twins from Kediri.
“As time goes by, problems must be dealt with, more must be prepared to handle conjoined twins more effective and efficient. We also constantly strive to improve the system and management, “said Chairman of Integrated Conjoined Twin Care Center (PPKST) Dr Soetomo Hospital Surabaya FK Universitas Airlangga Agus Harianto, dr., SpA (K).
Conjoined twins handling in Indonesia is different from abroad. There are complex factors and problems to be faced. Therefore, it is necessary to implement an optimal referral system by taking into account the prognosis.
Luckily, the PPKST Team has made a permanent procedure for handling conjoined twins completely, starting from treatment in the womb, during childbirth, postpartum, until the separation surgery.
“Most cases of conjoined twins referred to Dr. RSUD Soetomo is a non-survival type of thoracoabdominopagus, died several hours in Dr. Soetomo or during treatment at the NICU. Therefore, an optimal referral system needs to be made by paying attention to the prognosis, “he explained.
All cases of conjoined twins were monitored from the beginning to the end, either the patients survived or died. Growth development and rehabilitation is carried out periodically, regularly and continuously by the team.
Author: Sefya H Istighfaricha
Editor: Nuri Hermawan