1,425 prospective students admitted to UNAIR through 2022 SNMPTN

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Photo: Andi Pramono

UNAIR NEWS – The result of the 2022 State University National Admission Selection (SNMPTN) was officially announced on Tuesday, March 29, 2022. UNAIR Rector Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nasih SE MT Ak said Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) admitted 1,425 new prospective students from 1,256 capacity. This number includes fifty participants who had received the golden ticket.

Prof. Nasih revealed that the prospective students came from 580 schools in 34 provinces, even schools abroad. He also said that 79.09 percent or 1,127 students admitted were female. The Midwifery and Nutrition study programs are the two study programs with female students 100 percent.

The Professor of the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) UNAIR also revealed the two youngest participants who passed UNAIR 2022 SNMPTN pathway. Ratu Sakinatul Aqila, from SMA Nahdlatul Ulama 1 Gresik, aged 14 years 8 months, was admitted to the Political Science study program, and Muhammad Zaky Islami Rasya from SMA 5 Surabaya, 15 years and 8 months old was admitted to the Medicine study program.

“Take advantage of it because it’s an excellent opportunity. Re-register immediately. So we can process it immediately. Don’t lose this opportunity because it can harm the school,” said the rector.

“Participants who do not re-register will affect the school index in the following years,” he added.

SNMPTN registrants reached 18,165 students

The total registrants for the 2022 SNMPTN at UNAIR have reached 18,165 students. The most popular study programs include Medicine, Pharmacy, and Biomedical Engineering for the field of science and technology. Also, the Psychology and Communication Studies study program for the social humanities cluster.

“Don’t be discouraged for those who have not been accepted because the SNMPTN capacity is limited. There are still plenty of opportunities, through SBMPTN and Mandiri admission pathway,” said Prof. Nasih.

Accepting prospective students with KIP-College

The Head of the 2020 and 2021 Higher Education Entrance Test Institute (LTMPT) said that UNAIR accepted 352 participants, or 24.7 percent of prospective students with the Indonesia Smart Card (KIP) College. It is higher than last year’s 334 participants.

The Public Health study program is one of the study programs with the most KIP-Lecture participants, with 57 prospective students, followed by Nursing study program with 54 prospective students and Development Economics Study Program with 50 prospective students.

He also appealed to prospective students to be careful in making payments. UNAIR Rector emphasized that UNAIR does not charge any fees other than the Single Tuition Fee (UKT).

“There are no other fees demanded at UNAIR or other universities apart from the official fees, UKT, which has been regulated in the rector’s regulation. If someone demands something else and asks for other fees (fee, ed), it is certainly not from UNAIR,” he explained. (*)

Author: Alysa Intan Santika

Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh

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