UNAIR Rector: Professors’ contribution are important to solve nation’s issues

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UNAIR Rector, Chairman of Academic Senate, and four UNAIR professors just inaugurated. (Photo: Agus Irwanto)

UNAIR NEWS – “The highest position in the academic field, being a professor, is not the end of the struggle for science development,” said the Rector of Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) during his speech at the inauguration of four new professors of Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) on Wednesday, March 16, 2022.

Prof Nasih explained that by acquiring the professor position, gaining knowledge begins more significantly because scientific authority has now been carried on the shoulders of professors ranging from development, data interpretation, analysis, and providing various solutions.

“Professorship is the start of knowledge development to contribute more significantly in glorifying life at local, regional, national, or global level,” he said.

One of the tasks and mandates of being a professor is to contribute to solving humanitarian issues based on a scientific approach, objective with analysis that must be done logically. “There should not be a professor without a contribution in solving the nation’s issue,” he expressed.

“UNAIR is committed to encouraging follow-up research so that any research can reach downstream process and produce a product that benefits the community at an affordable price,” he mentioned.

Rector of Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) Prof Nasih. (Photo: Agus Irwanto)

Through scientific oration from the four new professors, Prof Nasih saw how UNAIR’s professors continued to provide solutions to the nation’s issues through their respective skills and fields of knowledge.

The Professor of Orthodontics, Faculty of Dental Medicine UNAIR, Prof Dr I Gusti Aju Wahju Ardani drg M Kes Sp Ort (K), in her oration, encouraged the application of technology, especially artificial intelligence (AI), in the field of Orthodontic and Dentophysial Orthopedy. These fields are a special dental medical science that studies abnormalities in the development of teeth and face known as dentofacial.

Furthermore, the Professor of Natural Sciences of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine UNAIR Prof Dr Budi Utomo drh MSi delivered his scientific oration, Improved Accuracy of Superior Seed Selection in Madura Beef Cattle with PCR-RFLP Method. In his opinion, Madura cattle is one type of local Indonesian cattle similar to Bali cattle, only its body size and horn are smaller.

Moreover, Professor in Pharmaceutical Sciences of the Faculty of Pharmacy UNAIR, Prof Tristiana Erawati Munandar Dra M Sc Apt, delivered her oration on Nanotechnology Delivery Systems for Drugs and Cosmetics. Prof Tristiana presented that the delivery system is the most influential factor of therapy success. Undoubtedly, the delivery system continues to be developed to improve the ability to deliver active pharmaceutical ingredients more efficiently and effectively. It offers a nanostructured lipid carriers (NLC) delivery system that combines liquid lipids and solid lipids.

Lastly, the Professor in International Law Sciences of the Faculty of Law UNAIR, Prof. Koesrianti PhD, reviewed ASEAN regional response to trigger the region’s economic recovery after the pandemic. Koesrianti said that the Covid-19 pandemic has an unprecedented impact, as it is a combination of health and economic crises. Therefore, economic recovery success is still uncertain.

“Because of globalization and interdependence, ASEAN economics will be integrated with the global economy. Therefore, ASEAN is also very affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. For that reason, ASEAN established three economic recovery steps caused by pandemic for its member countries: re-opening, recovery, and resilience,” said the FH UNAIR lector.

Author: Khefti Al Mawalia

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