UNAIR Faculty of Vocational Studies presents a guest professor from England to discuss sustainable development

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Prof Juliana Sutanto from Lancaster University, England, speaks in the Faculty of Vocational Studies international webinar on “Multifarious Roles and Conflicts on an Inter-Organizational Green IS” on Wednesday, March 2, 2022. (Photo: Zoom Meeting Screen Capture)

UNAIR NEWS – All faculties in Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) continue to make internationalization efforts. One of the efforts was of UNAIR Faculty of Vocational Studies by providing a webinar with a professor from Lancaster University, England, Juliana Sutanto.

The webinar entitled Multifarious Roles and Conflicts on an Inter-Organizational Green IS was held online on Wednesday, March 2, 2022. The Dean of The Faculty of Vocational studies (FV) Universitas Airlangga Prof Dr Anwar Ma’ruf drh M Kes stated that the Green IS (Information System) theme is appropriate for the current environmental issues, regarding the demands of business companies who are responsible for creating sustainable and environmentally friendly programs.

Juliana said that technology is not only about computer sciences. More than that, technology can be designed to interact with many people, including Green IS, designed as sustainable information between suppliers at the supermarket.

“Green IS have an essential part to support environmentally friendly supermarkets, such as information provider for decision making, track and report the transformational role of environmental performance, increase efficiency process, reduce consumption energy, and as an asset and infrastructure,” mentioned Juliana.

Moreover, she explained that the positive impact of Green IS is reducing the use of plastics and improving food supply quality in the market because there is information exchange between the user or supplier. Of course, reducing plastic use became one of the efforts to reduce global warming by creating environmental sustainability.

The Green IS theme was taken from the speaker’s research on Green Information System at the level of inter-organization and multilevel perspective from Green Information System users.

The webinar inviting international guest speaker is expected to provide insights to every internal member of the Faculty of Vocational Studies. Furthermore, it could support the inbound staff program, promoting the Faculty of Vocational Studies internationally.

Author: Rafli Noer Khairam

Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh

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