Introducing international class to high school students

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Presentation by Secretary of Management Undergraduate Program Made Gitanadya Ayu Ariani SE., MSM.

UNAIR NEWS – Management Program of Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) held Open House Management (OPH). The event was carried out to disseminate regular management undergraduate program and international class to high school students.

The dissemination held through zoom meeting on Saturday, February 12, 2022, was delivered by the secretary of Management Undergraduate Program, Made Gitanadya Ayu Ariani SE MSM and Coordinator of International Undergraduate Program of FEB Dr Devi Sulistyo Kalanjati SE MAcc MSc Ak.

In the dissemination, Gitanadya explained the advantages of UNAIR’s Management undergraduate program; moreover, it has obtained national and international accreditation. With the acquisition of the accreditation, Gitanadya asserted that the quality of education in UNAIR Management is in the best category. In addition, the Management program also offers a fast-track program, so undergraduate and master’s degrees can be completed in five years.

“Our education has been gained A standard nationally from BANPT. We have also been accredited internationally at the ASEAN level from AUN (ASEAN University Network). Only UNAIR and three other universities gained it, also ABEST21 Japan’s accreditation standards,” she explained.

Furthermore, Gitanadya explained that the Management program offers five study focus students can select in the 6th semester. They are:

  1. 1. Financial Management can be selected if students are interested in investment, capital markets, banking.
  2. 2. Human Resource Management can be chosen if students are interested in taking care of employees, compensation, and leadership in the organization.
  3. 3. Marketing Management can be selected if students are exposed to marketing and consumer behavior.
  4. 4. Operations Management can be chosen if students are interested in production, processing, and quality.
  5. 5. Entrepreneurship Management can be selected if students are interested in business and college.

Devi then explained the international class offered by UNAIR Management or better known as the International Undergraduate Program (IUP). The main requirement for prospective IUP students is the ability to speak English, both spoken and written because the learning process uses full English. Furthermore, prospective students who enter IUP must have a goal for education abroad, such as an exchange.

“IUP registration is always earlier than National State University Entrance Selection (SNMPTN), National State University National Entrance Exam (SBMPTN), or Independent. So now we’re open to registration. The cost of IUP education can be viewed through the IUP website, and it is very transparent there. For the test requirements and so on can also be viewed there,” she explained. (*)

Author: Wiji Astutik

Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh

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