UNAIR KKN students provide entrepreneurial education to a youth organization in Meteseh village, Semarang

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UNAIR NEWS – In a modern era, youth must be more creative and innovative. Various things can be explored at a young age, including business.

Along with technology development, a business can be done easily by anyone anywhere, including young people. Seeing this opportunity, 65 th Community Service Program (KKN) Group 28 provided education regarding business at a young age to the youth organization (Karang Taruna) in Meteseh Village, Semarang.

As the leader of Group 28, Nadia Devina stated that the program was carried out by motivating the youth of Meteseh village Karang Taruna.

“We provided education regarding the steps in starting a business, managing social media and gave motivations by showing examples of a successful young entrepreneur in a young age,” she explained.

The dissemination was given by KKN team students from the Faculty of Economics and Business. The teenagers were enthusiastic by actively asking questions during the question-and-answer session. In the end, a quiz consisting of questions about the presentation was carried out to measure the Karang Taruna teenager’s understanding on the material given. The activity then closed with a photo session.

Patris as a supervisor of Meteseh village youth expressed her gratitude for the implementation of the program. She also hoped that young entrepreneur’s mentoring does not stop here but can be continued in the future.

“We will provide the speakers’ contacts so that friends who want to start a business can ask or consult further,” said Nadia.

In the end, Nadia hoped that this program could provide helpful knowledge for the youth of Meteseh Village Karang Taruna. “Hopefully, the insights given can be useful for the younger people of Karang Taruna if one day they want to start a business,” she concluded. (*)

Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh

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