UNAIR NEWS – 65th Community Service Program – Learning with Community (KKN BBM) students, Group 76, have participated in preventing the spread of COVID-19 Omicron variant in Gedongan Hamlet, Madiun City, East Java. On Tuesday, February 2, supported by Manguharjo Health Center and local integrated health service post (Posyandu) cadres, this group organized dissemination of health protocols and vaccination to the elderly.
The dissemination was held alongside the elderly posyandu activity. The topic of the dissemination is regarding the Covid-19 Omicron variant, its prevention and transmission methods.
Jimly Ashiddiqy said the high number of Omicron cases and ignorance in the community led to an increased likelihood of cases. “Lack of information can cause the public to ignore health protocols, especially in the elderly who have a higher risk of exposure,” said Group 76 Leader.
By knowing and understanding the variant first detected in South Africa, participants are expected to continue to run health protocols to avoid spreading and infection of this virus.
Besides dissemination about Omicron, participants were also encouraged to get their vaccine shots and a booster shot if necessary. At the end of the event, a new normal kit containing a mask and hand sanitizer were distributed to participants.
While applying the health protocols, the dissemination was done in stages so that it won’t cause a crowd. “We do dissemination in sessions. After the elderly do a health check, then we provide dissemination consisting of 4 to 8 elderly who have done health checks to reduce the risk of causing crowds,” he continued.
In addition to supporting the government to stop the spread of new variant, the activity also supports realizing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) # 3, healthy living and welfare.
Jimly as the group leader, hoped that the participants could be aware of this variant. “With the awareness and attention of the public, I also hope it helps reduce the number of Covid-19 cases per day in Indonesia,” he mentioned. (*)
Author: Stefanny Elly
Editor : Khefti Al Mawalia