DPKKA holds webinar to disseminate social security for student interns

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Kurniawan Catur Adiputra during the question-and-answer session (photo: Zoom screenshot)

UNAIR NEWS – Directorate of Career Development, Incubation, Entrepreneurship, and Alumni Affairs (DPKKA) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR), along with The Workers Social Security Agency (BPJAMSOSTEK), held a webinar entitled “Social Security Protection for Interns” on Thursday, January 20, 2022. More than 180 participants attended the event broadcast via zoom meeting and YouTube.

“Every person who works must be in BPJS Ketenagakerjaan, for permanent workers or interns. BPJS Ketenagakerjaan comes to reduce unwanted risks,” uttered Edi Sasono as Head of Special Program Membership of BPJAMSOSTEK.

In that event, Kurniawan Catur Adiputra, the representative from BPJAMSOSTEK Karimunjawa, explained social security protection programs held by BPJAMSOSTEK for students. He mentioned student interns, and KKN students, and students who compete in competitions outside campus can also be a part of that program.

“Students who are currently working on university activities must have social security, such as Occupational Accident Benefit (JKK). This benefit is the protection that we (BPJAMSOSTEK, ed) provide if JKK members have a work accident, starting from commuting from home, having an accident at work, or when returning home,” he said.

He added that JKK provides occupational accident health services according to medical needs. Unlike BPJS Kesehatan, BPJAMSOSTEK does not have health facility. Members who have an accident will be directly handled in the hospital or clinic in collaboration with BPJAMSOSTEK.

“Moreover, we also provide compensation in the form of money. This compensation can be claimed to reimburse transportation fees when a work accident occurs. There is also compensation while one is unable to work, death compensation, and periodic compensation,” Kurniawan explained.

Not only JKK, but BPJAMSOSTEK also have a Death Benefit (JKM). Kurniawan stated that JKM is a benefit for members who died without work accident causes. This benefit is used to lighten the family burden in terms of funeral expenses or other compensations.

“This JKM we give to the heirs if they don’t have a family yet, it can be given to parents, siblings, or parties appointed in the will of its members,” he added.

At the end of the seminar, Edi Sasono revealed that BPJAMSOSTEK is a monthly insurance. Interns can enroll in the program according to the internship period, and there are no strings attached afterward. He also said his party is ready to come to UNAIR periodically to facilitate and help interns registering with BPJAMSOSTEK.

Author: Alysa Intan Santika

Editor: Feri Fenoria

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