Ustaz Wijayanto emphasizes five important things to start organizational change

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Ustadz Wijayanto delivers a motivational sermon on Monday (January 24, 2022). (Photo: Agus Irwanto)

UNAIR NEWS – “There are five things needed for work, health, hijrah, integrity, working as Allah’s devotee, and work ethics,” mentioned Ustaz Wijayanto in his motivational sermon during work meeting of the Head of Department and Study Program Coordinator (KPS) on Monday, January 24, 2022, at Marriott Hotel Yogyakarta Ballroom.

In his opinion, these five things should be applied in an organization. They are keys to evaluation and starting a change in an organization.

Physical, psychological, and spiritual health

Ustaz Wijayanto stated that happiness is the most important key in building a harmonious and collaborative relationship in an institution. It will reduce frictions in an institution.

“The absence of happiness in life will result in low productivity, emotional stress, and unfinished work,” he stated.

Ustadz Wijayanto delivers a motivational sermon on Monday (January 24, 2022). (Photo: Agus Irwanto)


In evaluation, hijrah or a shift is necessary, and five things must be done. First, creating change, second, rising from the slump, third, healing from a sinful wound, fourth, tidying up things, and the last is building new hope with new resolutions.

“From the five things, I emphasize the importance of a leader in making an effective change in a work environment,” he explained.


In his view, work is a call to completed job full of integrity. Loyalty, commitment, responsibilities, honesty, faithfulness, and professionalism are important things needed in building good work ethics.

“If you want to be successful, you must work with full responsibility,” he declared.

He mentioned that how each people lead and work is different. That work ethics will determine performance and work habits in an organization.

Working as Allah’s devotee

In working, motivation with a purpose to find God’s pleasure (Ridha Allah) is necessary. According to him, one must follow Islamic sharia with halal work, good/ ma’ruf, and benefit all circles.

“With meaningfulness, it will give good, prosperity, salvation to all. That’s what’s called rahmatan il alamin,” Ustaz Wijayanto concluded.

Excellent work ethics

Closing his sermon and motivation, Ustaz Wijayanto explained the importance of excellent work ethics. He stated that working is a rahmat, amanah, a call, actualization, worship, art, honor, and service.

From the five factors mentioned, the most difficult thing to do is to change (hijrah). But even if it is tough, at least everyone still has hope in the future and power in the present.

“God chose the path we walk on. We choose how to walk on it,” he concluded.

In the sermon, Ustaz Wijayanto gave a very interactive and lively discussion with mini-games and questions.

Author: Khefti Al Mawalia 

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