UNAIR NEWS – January 1, 2022, Universitas Airlangga’s Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FKH) is 50 years old. In this golden anniversary, FKH is listed as a Faculty with various achievements contributing to the nation’s intellectual life by providing high-quality graduates and research with international recognition.
This achievement will continue with various collaborations, including with the support of its alumni, Satria Airlangga Veterinarian (SAGAVET). This year’s anniversary is “50 Years of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine UNAIR with SAGAVET Creating Synergy for the Nation”.
One of FKH UNAIR Anniversary activities is Community Service or Social Service for 1000 Cow Villages at Tandur Desi Livestock Farmer Group, Pengengat Village, Pujut District, Central Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara, Sunday, December 26, 2021.
To UNAIR NEWS, Drh. Muslih, the head of the committee, said that in this activity, the veterinarians and alumni of FKH carried out social services in animal health services and counseling.
“We from IKA-UA West Nusa Tenggara region, to welcome the 50th Anniversary of UNAIR FKH, held a livestock health check. There are approximately 240 cattle of various ages that we treated,” said Drh. Muslim.
Furthermore, he added, they also assisted with deworming medicine, vitamins, tarpaulins, and electric flashlights to farmers.
Dr. Muslih explained that the social services carried out by SAGAVET would greatly help the farmers to optimize their livestock production. This social service, he said, was the first time to be held in the Central Lombok region.
“This livestock farmer group is still new. 2019 was the beginning of cage construction, and in 2020, it was used for livestock. Therefore, breeders still need assistance and counseling to reach the group’s target,” said Drh. Muslim.
Drh. Muslih hoped that FKH and SAGAVET would continue to contribute to the community in the field of animal health and food security.
“We really hope that, with the expertise of FKH UNAIR alumni, a real contribution to the community is proof of professional service, both through animal health and food security efforts,” explained Drh. Muslim.
In the end, Drh. Muslih also expressed his great hope for UNAIR FKH to always be an excellent example for Indonesian faculties of veterinary medicine.
“Fifty years is a golden age for FKH UNAIR. Hopefully, the achievements achieved by FKH UNAIR will be maintained and improved. UNAIR FKH is progressing and continues to produce quality veterinarians. Viva Veteriner,” he concluded. (*).
Author: Muhammad Suryadiningrat
Editor : Nuri Hermawan