Briefing IISMA Student, Educational and Cultural Attaché in Singapore calls each awardee a ‘Diplomat’

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Educational and Cultural Attaché (Atdikbud) in Singapore, Enda Wulandari while giving a briefing to the IISMA awardees.
Educational and Cultural Attaché (Atdikbud) in Singapore, Enda Wulandari while giving a briefing to the IISMA awardees.

UNAIR NEWS – Indonesia International Student Mobility Award (IISMA) will send 25 students from various universities in Indonesia to Singapore. In her remarks at the Pre-departure Briefing held by Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR), Enda Wulandari said that being part of the awardee in the IISMA program is an extraordinary opportunity for not only students but also all parties and the academic community.

“We should be grateful that the current generation can easily access international education. It allows them to learn science and develop wider networking,” said the Educational and Cultural Attaché (Atdikbud) in Singapore.

Enda reminded each awardee to learn and develop a good attitude in Singapore. According to him, their attitudes and habits there will provide a separate assessment for Indonesia’s image. Therefore, she said that each awardee is a ‘diplomat’ who represents and promotes.

“Every Indonesian student who studies abroad is a ‘diplomat.’ So, build a positive image so that the name of Indonesia is deemed good,” she stressed.

Three Important Things

Furthermore, Enda shared three important things that should be done during an outbound study. First, awardees must learn about other cultures and build global friendships.

“Don’t just hang out with fellow IISMA students from Indonesia. It can be done anytime, and you don’t have to fly to Singapore. But, be open to building up a network with friends from various parts of the world. Learn about their culture, patterns, and thoughts!” she said on Tuesday, December 21, 2021.

Second, Enda also advised the awardees not to miss every facility in each university where they study.

“Learning in developed countries is certainly equipped with various facilities and sophistication. They have complete facilities, and you should take advantage of them. That way, you will feel the atmosphere of studying in someone else’s country,” she said.

Finally, Enda emphasized that the task of the awardees in Singapore is to learn for themselves, but they also need to promote Indonesia, especially education. She hopes that more foreign parties will be interested in studying in Indonesia with a good promotion.

Author: Nikmatus Sholikhah

Editor: Feri Fenoria

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