UNAIR NEWS – Universitas Airlangga Hospital (RSUA) received an award from the Governor of East Java, Khofifah Indar Parawansa, for its service in dealing with the pandemic. On October 11, 2021, RSUA was named a Class B Referral Hospital with the Best Predicate in Handling the Covid-19 Pandemic in 2021 in East Java Province.
RSUA deserves to receive the award. According to the Director of RSUA, Prof. Dr. Nasronudin, dr., Sp.PD, K-PTI, FINASIM, the hospital has been a pioneer since the Covid-19 outbreak began in March 2020. This can be seen with the establishment of emergency tents and laboratory diagnostic services besides the emergency room.
“RSUA is a pioneer for the preparation. At that time, other hospitals were not ready,” concluded Prof Nasron.
Gradually, as cases increased, the Covid-19 service center was relocated to the 2nd floor of the Infectious Disease Hospital Building (RSPI). At that time, the RSPI building was not ready. The tools had been idle for more than ten years, so there was a shortage of tools. Additionally, the building was still not finished.
Shortly after that, in July 2020, grants began to be received from some local, national, and international partners. RSUA received a 54 billion donation from Prof. Tanjung and the Salim Group. The funds were used to provide ICU equipment, hospitalization, beds, CCTV, and other supporting equipment.
In addition, said Prof. Nasron, RSUA received another assistance of 31 billion and 110 medical personnel from the Governor of East Java. After that, the Minister of Health distributed 87 human resources. Thus, RSUA has been able to provide the best service in handling Covid-19 cases.
“The RSPI building still had some issues, but at that time, we immediately finished them with the help of the BPK, the Minister of Finance, the Minister of Health, and the Minister of State Secretariat. Finally, the RSPI Building and its facilities were granted to UNAIR,” he said.
Prof. Nasron explained that WHO had standardized the RSPI building at that time with a large ICU and inpatient capacity, separate emergency room, and professional treatment. “The building has full negative pressure equipped with a HEPA filter. Thus, it is excellent and ideal, especially for treating patients with infectious diseases transmitted through droplets,” he said.
However, when the Covid-19 cases peaked from June to July 2021, RSUA experienced another crisis. The surge in the number of patients forced RSUA to turn the seventh-floor meeting hall into a treatment room. At that time, RSUA got an additional 40 beds from the Governor of East Java.
Since then, innovations in handling Covid-19 have begun to be boosted. For example, RAISA is the result of the collaboration between UNAIR-ITS and KECE results from the collaboration with UNESA. In addition, there is also an independent medical examination tool made by UNAIR community members.
As of Tuesday, December 14, 2021, more than 24,500 Covid-19 patients had been treated by RSUA. The patients included emergency cases, outpatients, and inpatients.
Regarding the award given to RSUA, Prof. Nasron is grateful to all the people; the government, especially the Governor of East Java; UNAIR, and all RSUA civitas who have seriously carried out their roles and obligations. “In the future, we hope that RSUA can continue to contribute to the country and the society in Indonesia. We hope to stand out in the fields of education and research in order to realize an independent Indonesia in the health sector,” he hoped. (*)
Author: Erika Eight Novanty
Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia