East Java Governor ready to support acceleration of UNAIR Merah Putih Vaccine clinical trials

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Dra. Hj. Khofifah Indar Parawansa, M.Si., as the Governor of East Java delivers her remarks at the 67th Anniversary Assembly. (Photo by Agus Irwanto)

UNAIR NEWS – Dra. Hj. Khofifah Indar Parawansa, M.Si., as the Governor of East Java attended the 67th Anniversary of Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) Open Assembly on Tuesday, November 9, 2021. On that occasion, Khofifah expressed her readiness to support the acceleration of UNAIR’s Merah Putih vaccine clinical trials, starting from the first phase to the third phase.

Khofifah explained that the clinical trials are still waiting for the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) permission. If Merah Putih vaccine can be used as a booster vaccine, continued Khofifah, she stated that she is ready to be the first volunteer for clinical trials, the first, second, and third phase.

“If later on, Merah Putih vaccine can be used as a booster, then I am ready to be the first volunteer, but if the clinical trial requires subjects who have not been vaccinated, then another volunteer is needed,” she said.

In the future, the collaboration will be carried out by three parties consisting of UNAIR, PT. Biotis Pharmaceuticals Indonesia and the Regional General Hospital (RSUD) Dr. Soetomo in Surabaya. Khofifah said that since last October 12, which also coincided with the anniversary of the East Java Provincial Government, a special gazebo had been prepared at Dr. RSUD. Soetomo. Furthermore, Khofifah also said that so far, numerous volunteers have registered for the vaccine clinical trials.

“So, RSUD Dr. Soetomo is the place for clinical trials, so that we can also be a part of the implementation of the first, second and third phase of Merah Putih Vaccine clinical trials,” added Khofifah.

Khofifah hoped that all parties can support the vaccine development process, especially tomorrow, which coincides with November 10. Khofifah also said that she was proud of the achievement made by UNAIR through this Merah Putih Vaccine.

“As the Chair of the UNAIR Alumni Association, I am proud of UNAIR, which has given the best offering for this country to provide protection and safety to all Indonesian people. I reiterate that I will be the one who stands at the frontline and supports the success of the first, second, and third phase of vaccine clinical trials,” she concluded. (*)

Author: Dita Aulia Rahma

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia

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