Implementing Independent Campus Program, UNAIR Faculty of Dental Medicine redesigns its curriculum and expands partnerships

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Faculty of Dental Medicine UNAIR. (Photo: Bastian Ragas)

UNAIR NEWS – The Faculty of Dental Medicine (FKG) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) also supports the Freedom of Learning Independent Campus (MBKM) program initiated by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology. Prof. Dr. Ira Widjiastuti drg., M.Kes., SpKG(K)., Vice Dean I of FKG, said the MBKM which requires students to carry out learning activities outside the campus has been implemented by FKG since a long time ago.

“As a health study program, FKG has had an off-campus internship program for a long time. However, the number of SKS (semester credit) conversions was different, and there was no MBKM term at that time,” she explained.

The lecturer, well-known as Prof. Ira, mentioned that several FKG programs related to MBKM include student exchanges with partners in Japan, internship programs, and PKM (Students’ Creativity Program) research that can be converted into KKN or thesis credits.

“We are planning to expand our cooperation with hospitals, health centers, health offices, and various other universities. In addition, we also hope that in the future, the IISMA will offer programs that are relevant to FKG so that our students can participate,” she said.

Regarding partnerships, Prof. Ira said that FKG does not rule out the possibility of collaborating with several fields of science outside the FKG.

Lecturer and students of the Faculty of Dental Medicine are doing a practicum in the FKG UNAIR practicum room. (Personal Doc.)

In addition, currently, FKG is working on its curriculum to match the demands of studying for 20 credits off-campus. According to her, this is a challenge.

“This is a new thing. The demand for 20 credits urges us to change the learning system we used to apply. Therefore, FKG is still discussing the process of redesigning this curriculum,” she explained.

Prof. Ira hoped that the MBKM program could improve students’ competence to support their career preparation.

Author: Nikmatus Sholikhah

Editor: Feri Fenoria

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