FK UNAIR becomes role model for MBKM implementation

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UNAIR Faculty of Medicine hybrid lecture. (Photo: Bastian Ragas)

UNAIR NEWS – The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) is intensively implementing the Independent Campus Freedom of Learning (MBKM) program to encourage students to master various sciences and prepare themselves before entering the professional world. The Faculty of Medicine (FK) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) also responded to the program.

Prof. Budi Santoso, dr., Sp.OG(K)., as the Dean of FK, revealed that the faculty has been running the MBKM learning model for a long time, even starting in the 1970s. The reason is, FK has a program called Community Medicine Coordination Bureau (BKKM) which holds learning outside the campus. The program, he continued, facilitates students to achieve learning competencies, not only on campus but also in the field such as network hospitals and communities.

“So, MBKM is not a new thing for FK because it has been running BKKM for a long time; it is just that the term is different. In fact, for the implementation of this BKKM, many other campuses have had a reflection and made us (FK UNAIR – ed) as role models,” he said.

Implementation in stages

Furthermore, Prof. Budi explained that the implementation of the faculty’s MBKM is now carried out at every level. In the first semester, students are introduced to Inter-Professional Education (IPE) by doing basic learning together. Then, at the next level, students are introduced to outputs in the form of group projects, group learning, and clinical exposure to certain social communities.

“Students may also transfer credit from the IISMA program in blocks that have the same learning outputs,  he added.

He also said that students could transfer credit for student exchange activities with the KKN block or elective block.

“The implementation of the elective block model in the seventh semester is carried out in collaboration with other study programs at UNAIR, outside UNAIR, and even abroad,” explained Prof. Budi.

UNAIR Medical Undergraduate apply hybrid and blended lectures. (Photo: Agus Irwanto)

A Challenge

However, Prof. Budi said that the semi-rigid curriculum system was a challenge in implementing MBKM at FK UNAIR. With this system, according to him, the definition of independence cannot be interpreted as 100% independent because it must pay attention to the level of the program taken by students.

“In principle, we facilitate and fully support the independent campus policy. Hopefully, in the future FK can continue to carry out this program specifically, “ he hoped.

Author: Nikmatus Sholikhah

Editor: Feri Fenoria

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