Faculty of Psychology has special humanitarian project for MBKM

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Dean of the Faculty of Psychology, Prof. Dr. Suryanto, M.Si

UNAIR NEWS – The Independent Campus Freedom of Learning (MBKM) Program initiated by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemendikbud Ristek RI) provides facilities for all students to explore their abilities and creativity. Universitas Airlangga also accommodates the program well and it is supported by the faculties under the auspices of UNAIR. The Faculty of Psychology (FPsi) is also one of them.

Dean of the Faculty of Psychology, Prof. Dr. Suryanto, M.Si said that the MBKM program is not much different from other faculties. However, according to him, each faculty has a unique program.

“The MBKM Program in (ed, Faculty of) Psychology is not much different from the others because at UNAIR, there is one regulation, but what makes each faculty different is the uniqueness of each faculty,” said Prof. Suryanto, Wednesday, October 20, 2021, via Zoom.

The Faculty of Psychology runs domestic student exchanges such as Permata and Sasrabahu and overseas exchanges with IISMA and AMERTA programs. Furthermore, FPsi students are also involved in independent internships, research, village assistance, and humanitarian projects, as well as cross-cluster learning based on IPE and short summer courses managed by WUACD.

According to Prof. Suryanto, what characterizes MBKM at the Faculty of Psychology is a humanitarian project initiated by the faculty and the Airlangga University Psychology Alumni Association (APSILANGGA). “We have a humanitarian project called Psychocare. So Psychocare is a program from the faculty together with APSILANGGA to carry out activities related to disaster response,” said Prof Sur.

There are also UNAIR Psychology students who participated in the Dancing Village Program on the valley of Mount Merbabu, in Sekendi Village, Magelang. However, the program with the Ministry of Social Affairs has yet to be implemented due to a pandemic.

With the MBKM Program run by the Faculty of Psychology, Prof Sur hopes to impact students positively. According to him, the MBKM program can run very well when it is fully carried out directly in the field.

“Because of the pandemic, many MBKM programs are online, and if students are in the field it will be interesting. I think MBKM will be successful when all students implement it in the field,” he said. (*)

Author: Tata Ferliana W.

Editor: Binti Q Masruroh

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