UNAIR Master in Law Program community service encourages tourism potential development of Gerbo Village

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UNAIR Master in Law Program community service encourages tourism potential development in Gerbo Village. (Photo: By courtesy)

UNAIR NEWS – Gerbo Village is one of the villages in the highlands of Purwodadi Sub-district, Pasuruan Regency, East Java. Gerbo Village is one of the doors to enter the Bromo Tengger Semeru Tourism Area. The name of this village, Gerbo, is taken from two names of East Javanese tribe, Tengger and Nebo.

The strategic location of Gerbo Village makes residents of the village aware of the tourism potential to improve the economy with excellent management. Gerbo Village has become a tourist village focusing on education and culture. The management of this tourist village is well-structured from the existence of the Tourism Awareness Working Group.

Concerning the management of these tourism activities, the Head of Gerbo Village, Sutrisno, welcomed the Community Service Program from the Legal Studies program, chaired by Dr. Aktieva. To UNAIR NEWS, on October 18, 2021, Aktieva said that the program is in line with the educational tourism development program in Gerbo Village.

“It focuses on developing and empowering residents so that it can encourage economic improvement for the community, especially on the legal aspect that needs special attention,” she said.

She also said that the community service was carried out by counseling event in Gerbo Village on October 9, 2021, with approximately 30 participants. The counseling event entitled Legal Counseling on Tourism Licensing through “Online Single Submission (OSS)” was an effort to develop Gerbo Tourism Village, Purwodadi Sub-district, Pasuruan Regency.

“The activity is by explaining the licensing on Single Online Submission and relating to the Making of Business Contracts,” she explained.

The residents of Gerbo Village followed the counseling event with great enthusiasm, it became even more lively with an interactive question and answer session between participants and presenters. The discussion then gave rise to new ideas and potentials that can be developed in Gerbo Village outside of educational and cultural tourism that already exists and is being developed.

“The residents of Gerbo Village also have legal aspects understanding on daily things and some problems they face and then discussed in a question and answer session,” she continued.

Furthermore, she also said that the enthusiasm of Gerbo Village residents in developing educational and cultural tourism in their village would be followed up with assistance and empowerment for Gerbo Village residents and MSMEs that could boost the local economy.

“Based on the discussion in the activities, Gerbo Village has many potentials, including being a Tourism Village that carries tourism in education, culture, and natural resources with economic value,” she said.

In the end, she emphasized that these things would advance the economy of Gerbo Village if given a more modern and attractive touch that would invite people’s interest to see the beauty of Gerbo Village.

“This development requires synergy and collaboration from various parties so that the goal of improving the community’s economy can be achieved,” she concluded.

 Author: Rizky Amalia

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