UNAIR Banyuwangi Accounting Community Service discusses urgency of BUMDES to accelerate SDGs

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Dr. Erina Sudaryati delivers her presentation (Photo: SS Zoom)

UNAIR NEWS – The PSDKU UNAIR Accounting undergraduate program in Banyuwangi started a series of community service with DPM-PEMDES last Saturday, October 9. Presenting Dr. Erina Sudaryati, UNAIR Accounting lecturer and the chairperson of the Indonesian BUMDES Forum (2018-2022), the first community service introduced BUMDES in Banyuwangi about the importance of BUMDES in supporting the realization of Village Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Starting her presentation, Erina explained that the 17 goals of the SDGs can be classified into four major pillars: social development, economic development, legal development, and governance. Therefore, she explained that the village, as the smallest unit in government, must be at the forefront in realizing the 17 SDGs goals.

“The village is the pioneer in realizing and achieving the 17 goals of the SDGs. Therefore, the Kemendes PDTT initiates and transforms these SDGs to be applied in villages through Permendesa PDTT No. 13 of 2020 concerning Village SDGs,” she said.

Erina continued, the embodiment of the SDGs into the Village SDGs is carried out so that Indonesia’s development maintains local identity and wisdom.

“In addition, the Village SDGs can also protect village natural resources from exploitation and privatization by the elite,” she said.

Continuing her presentation, Erina explained that the Village SDGs remain oriented towards 17 SDGs goals with one additional goal, villages must have a dynamic and adaptive culture as institutions.

“This aims to accommodate the uniqueness and local wisdom of each region so that it can be used for productive things and the village can develop by maintaining the original culture of the region,” said Erina.

Erina explained that in the pandemic era, the Ministry of Village prioritizes using village funds in 2021 to achieve 10 Village SDGs, including national economic recovery activities. Therefore, she revealed that BUMDES has a crucial role in efforts to restore the national economy.

“BUMDES here can be a pioneer in developing creative economy businesses and developing tourist villages. Therefore it is necessary to revitalize BUMDES in terms of institutions, permits and active participation from the community so that BUMDES can inclusively build villages and the community economy,” explained Erina.

Ending her presentation, Erina hoped that the BUMDES managers who were also present at the community service would not use BUMDES as a means to enrich themselves. If appropriately managed, BUMDES can play a role in the implementation of the Village SDGs.

“If managed properly, BUMDES can assist in mapping resources and village data collection, developing information and communication, strengthening food security and overcoming nutritional problems,” she said. “All of that will lead to the 17 goals of the SDGs, so stop KKN (corruption, collusion and nepotism),” she concluded.

Author: Ivan Syahrial Abidin

Editor: Nuri Hermawan

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