FKH UNAIR holds International Conference on Animal Husbandry and Life Science (ICAHLS) 2021

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One of the sessions of the International Conference on Animal Husbandry and Life Science (ICAHLS) 2021 FKH UNAIR activities. (Photo: SS Zoom)

UNAIR NEWS – Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FKH) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) on Tuesday, October 5, 2021, held the International Conference on Animal Husbandry and Life Science (ICAHLS) 2021. It was held online using the Zoom meeting platform.

In her speech, the Dean of FKH, Prof. Dr. Mirni Lamid, drh., MP, said that the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are global goals of concern to all countries in the world, especially Indonesia. The SDGs, she continued, provide 17 actions ranging from advancing equality to ending poverty, saving the planet, and ensuring everyone has a joyful and prosperous life.

“Academics, government, and society must support the SDGs program to achieve a better future,” said Prof. Mirni.

Furthermore, Prof. Mirni said that the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine program is related to the SDGs. Based on the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine vision, Universitas Airlangga is a pioneer in developing innovative veterinary and animal medicine education and research to achieve environmental sustainability and animal welfare.

“The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine mission is to establish mutually beneficial partnerships with relevant agencies to realize the independence of the faculty, which is quality-oriented and able to compete at national and international levels,” said Prof. Mirni.

Prof. Mirni said that to support the vision and mission of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universitas Airlangga, and the SDGs, through this international conference, she hoped that cooperation and collaboration would be established. Those collaborations will accelerate developments to solve veterinary and animal husbandry problems and establish partnership relationships.

“This conference is held to increase academic knowledge and share experiences with colleagues about the latest research from around the world,” said Prof. Mirni.

The International Conference on Animal Husbandry and Life Science collaborates with Scopus indexed publishers to publish selected papers. The publishers will support and assist academics and researchers in publishing their research to develop veterinary, animal husbandry, and life sciences.

“All community contributions have achieved the goal of sustainable development, and a fundamental approach to the balance of social, economic, and environmental sustainability is necessary and possible to achieve the potential of the SDGs program,” explained Prof. Mirni.

The committee invited four expert speakers, Dr. Nuryani Zainuddin, drh., M.Si. from the Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture. The second speaker was Prof. Dr. Tita Damayanti Lestari, drh. M.Si., from Universitas Airlangga, delivered material on “Livestock Production and Reproduction Performance in East Java, Indonesia.”

The third speaker, Prof. Osamu Yamato, DVM., Ph.D. from Kagoshima University, Japan on “Isoleucyl-tRNA Synthetase (IARS) as a Protein Coding gene, in genetic disease of Japanese Black Cattle.” The last speaker, Prof. Kosaka Yoshinao, DVM., Ph.D. from Tottori University, Japan. He presented the topic on “The Biological Role of Glycosaminoglycan in Stem Cell Differentiation.”

Author: Muhammad Suryadiningrat

Editor: Nuri Hermawan

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