UNAIR NEWS – One of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is to ensure the availability and sustainable management of clean water and sanitation for all. As an effort to support East Java’s government in achieving SDG 6, Universitas Airlangga’s Partnerships and Development Management Board (BKMP UNAIR), UNICEF Surabaya representative office, and BAPPEDA East Java held dissemination entitled “A Study of Capacity and Supporting Conditions ( Enabling Environment ) to Achieve Safe Sanitation Targets East Java 2021”.
Representatives of each city or regency in East Java attended on Wednesday, September 22, 2021, through a virtual meeting.
Ir. Toni Indrayanto, a representative from BAPPEDA East Java, explained that the percentage of households (RT) with access to proper sanitation in East Java is currently above the central government’s target of 80.93%. In the future, Ir. Toni targets East Java to reach 90% of total households with access to proper sanitation and 15% safe access.
According to Ir. Toni is considered safe sanitation when it fulfills three aspects: the household’s own sanitation facilities, the upper building uses a gooseneck toilet, and the lower building has a septic tank vacuumed at least once in five years.
“I hope that the results of this discussion will be able to provide new recommendations or innovations so that the target for safe sanitation by 2024, both at the center and at the regions, can be accelerated,” he said.
Furtherore, UNICEF Surabaya, represented by Ermi Ndoen, Ph.D., said that ensuring safe and good sanitation is more important than independence. Therefore, he hoped that this socialization would help the government’s performance and guarantee the fulfillment of children’s rights to healthy and clean sanitation.
“Not all provinces receive assistance from UNICEF, so I hope this activity can be utilized as well as possible to achieve safe and clean sanitation targets together,” he said.
Author: Nikmatus Sholikhah
Editor: Feri Fenoria