UNAIR FTMM gives 100 water filters to overcome water quality problems in Trenggalek

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UNAIR NEWS- Due to the lack of public awareness on the importance of clean water, a community service team from the Industrial Engineering Study Program of the Faculty of Advanced Technology and Multidiscipline Universitas Airlangga (FTMM UNAIR) in collaboration with PT. IITOYA have disseminated water quality parameters and the importance of clean water provided water filters and trained the locals on how to use and maintain the water filters. They carried out the activities on August 31, 2021, in Jatiprahu Village, Karangan District, Trenggalek Regency.

Chandrawati Putri Wulandari, S.T., M.T., MBA., Ph. D as the Industrial Engineering Study Program coordinator said that Jatiprahu Village, Trenggalek Regency, is one of the areas that have groundwater with excessive lime content. In addition to providing dissemination, the community service team also provided 100 water filters to be used in the village. Furthermore, the FTMM community service team also conducted research whose results are expected to provide benefits to the wider community.

“We got the opportunity in Jatiprahu Village and our research or our product happened to be related to water filters,” said Chandrawati.

Meanwhile, Head of Community Service program, Aisyah Dewi Muthi’ah said that clean water in the community can improve life quality. “Clean water can change everything; access to clean water can improve people’s quality of life,” explained Aisyah.

She emphasized that this community service program was carried out to support the sustainable development goal number 6, supporting the availability and sustainability of access to proper sanitation and water, SDG 9 through downstream research of water filters distributed to the residents by building strong infrastructure, promoting industrialization that are inclusive and sustainable, and encourage innovation.

According to her, the community service activity received a positive response from the people of Jatiprahu Village. People have felt the negative impact of water with excessive lime content. The Head of Jatiprahu Village, Slamet Riyadi, S. Pd. hoped that this community service program would be sustainable and help overcome clean water problems in Jatiprahu Village.

“Hopefully, with this appropriate technology, our community will be healthier because they consume clean water so that it can also improve the quality of life of the people here,” concluded Slamet.

Author: Hanifah Nurroidah dan Miftachul Jannah

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia (AC/AP)

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