UNAIR Vocational Engineering lecturer develops website to improve the role of BUMDes through community service

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UNAIR NEWS – (BUMDes) Berkah Banjarworo Village Owned Enterprise is a business entity established by the Banjarworo Village Government in Tuban Regency. It has a vision and mission to improve the community’s prosperity, especially in the economic field, and promote partner businesses.

However, in practice, the marketing strategy of BUMDes is traditional by going around to the nearest markets and shops. As a result, UMKM’s products do not reach regions outside of Tuban.

Aji Akbar Firdaus, S.T., M.T., as the Head of Community Service activity, provided solutions to these problems. The UNAIR vocational Engineering lecturer conducted a community service called “PKM Internet of Things (IoT) for Optimizing the Role of BUMDes Towards Community Economic Independence in Banjarworo Village, Bangilan, Tuban.” This activity  is one of UNAIR’s efforts to support the achievement of the fourth SDG (Sustainable Development Goals) related to Quality Education.

The first step was to visit and discuss the activity with the Head of Banjarworo Village and BUMDes Banjarworo, Tuban, and prepare the training materials needed for this program.

Through this activity, the UNAIR vocational lecturer developed a website to enhance the role of BUMDes as an institution that aims to improve the community’s prosperity and economy.

Abdul Halim, S.Pd, as a community service partner, gave a positive response on the website development, which helps BUMDes in promoting and marketing village production and business activities broadly online.

Nasa Zata Dina, S.Kom., M.Kom., M.Sc., and Riky Tri Yunardi, S.T., M.T., in the implementation team, conducted dissemination and training for the administrative staff of BUMDes Berkah Banjarworo on August 25, 2020, on how to use the website. The material presented was related to the features on the website, such as information on indicators of turnover, investment, working capital, and partners.

Furthermore, it also conveyed information on how to conduct business activities, such as financing tools, online transactions, providing goods & services, and tour packages, and ended by uploading pictures of village MSME products. With a computer-literate administrative staff, the activity was done successfully with full support from the participants, who gave many recommendations on the design of the web page development. BUMDes’ role is expected to be more optimal towards economic independence.

Author: Tim Kegiatan Pengmas Vokasi UNAIR

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