Reducing education inequality, FTMM Universitas Airlangga holds Data Science Technology workshop

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UNAIR NEWS – Inequality in education is still happening, especially in isolated and remote areas where people lack digital literacy. This phenomenon is a challenge, especially for universities in Indonesia, in realizing the fourth SDG regarding Quality Education.

The community in Tuban, living in remote villages, has minimal access to technological and digital literacy when technological knowledge is beneficial for the community to overcome economic and social inequality. The role of UNAIR, through the Faculty of Advanced Technology and Multidiscipline, in collaboration with the ICT Volunteer Community (RTIK), was a manifestation of an education equality effort. Information on technological developments was delivered through training workshop activity.

This online seminar focused on ‘Data Science Technology and its Future Potentials as part of digital education.’ Being held on Sunday (12/07), this webinar was attended by people from Tuban and its surrounding areas from various age ranges. This program was also a collaboration between the community (RTIK) and FTMM Universitas Airlangga.

M. Noor Fakhruzzaman, S.Kom., M.Sc., as a lecturer of FTMM UNAIR, explained Data Science Technology educational program focuses on what Data Science is and how it can be useful in everyday life. “Literally, science is science, data is data, so data science is the study of data,” he described.

Muhammad also revealed that Data Science is a multidisciplinary field, which can be classified into science, social, or language science. The sources used in data science can come from many places, such as social media and the Internet. Ruzza emphasized that data sources are like a gold mine.

“Many things are useful, and many things are useless. So, the data scientist must sort them out which information is useful to produce a useful conclusion,” he said.

For the future, Data Science Technology has good potential. It is possible because Data Science can be applied to the health and medical, social and communication, industry, finance and business fields.

Author: Nenie Tamarisca Petrisia

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia

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