Realizing quality education, UNAIR FTMM holds Digital Literacy Education Class

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UNAIR NEWS – As an effort to support the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Faculty of Advanced Technology and Multidiscipline Universitas Airlangga has held educational classes for the general public, especially the community in isolated and remote areas. This program was held to support UNAIR in achieving SDG 4, Quality Education.

Tuban, which can be classified as a remote region, has minimal access to technological and digital literacy when this technological knowledge is beneficial for the community in overcoming economic and social inequality. On this occasion, UNAIR, through the Faculty of Advanced Technology and Multidiscipline (FTMM), reached underdeveloped regions in Tuban together with the ICT Volunteer Community (RTIK).

An online seminar was held as part of digital education focused on ‘Preparation for Superior Data Science Technology 2030’. Being held on Sunday (19/07), this webinar was attended by people from Tuban and its surrounding communities. This program was a part of a collaboration between the ICT Volunteer Community (RTIK) and FTMM Universitas Airlangga.

Ratih Ardiati Ningrum, S.Si., M.Sc., M.Stat., as a lecturer of FTMM UNAIR explained the importance of millennials to be ICT-smart. Indonesia is still left behind other countries. While Indonesia is still preparing for Industry 4.0, Japan is busy developing the Society 5.0 era. Ratih also explained the development of the industrial revolution from the 18th century to the present.

The target of Golden Indonesia 2045 requires the younger generation to be literate in innovation and technology. “We can see that innovation and technology are very important and necessary for the younger generation who will later serve as leaders of this country,” she said.

Data Science can be applied to many fields, such as social and communication, health, industry, finance, and business. But before learning data science, six things need to be prepared; analytical skills, programming skills, problem-solving ability, willingness to continue learning, curiosity, and increasing practice.

With this educational program through webinars, Ratih hoped that the community would get equal education and gain opportunities for employment and entrepreneurship.

Author: Nenie Tamarisca Petrisia

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia  

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