Special vaccination for pregnant women, UNAIR Rector: It is part of a joint effort

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UNAIR Rector Prof. Dr. Moh. Nasih gives a speech in Pregnant Women Vaccination at ACC Campus C. (Photo: Bastian Ragas)

UNAIR NEWS – After the Indonesian Ministry of Health gave the green light for pregnant women in Indonesia to get vaccinations, the first mass vaccination specifically for pregnant women was held simultaneously in Indonesia on Thursday, August 19, 2021. One of the venues for this vaccination program was the Airlangga Convention Center, Campus C, where the Surabaya City Government cooperates with UNAIR Hospital to make this vaccination program a success.

Director of RSUA Prof. Dr. Nasronudin, dr., Sp.PD., K-PTI., FINASIM., were attending to give the opening remarks at the event. He said that in the pandemic era, RSUA has always tried to provide a special place for pregnant women, especially for pregnant women infected with COVID-19. It was realized by creating several special facilities at the RSUA for handling the delivery process by pregnant women who are confirmed with COVID-19.

“This is our effort to reduce the potential for AKI (maternal mortality rate), and this vaccination is also one of them. Pregnant women are a vulnerable group to contract the disease because even under normal conditions, they have physiological changes that make them vulnerable,” said the internal medicine specialist.

UNAIR Rector Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nasih, SE., MT. also stated that this is a special form of effort to protect pregnant women. For him, this effort is in line with the context of maintaining health and improving the quality of human resources for the progress and resilience of Indonesia in the future.

“One of the pillars of UNAIR is research development, more specifically, of course, the research which is meaningful and beneficial for society and humanity in general,” said the Professor of FEB UNAIR.

Prof. Nasih said that UNAIR hoped and continued to contribute to vaccinations so that this pandemic ends quickly. This special vaccination for pregnant women is one of them. UNAIR tries as quickly as possible to respond to the vaccination approval given by the Indonesian Ministry of Health.

“This vaccination must be accessible to all components of the nation. Therefore, we thank all health workers who participated in the success of the program today. It is their duty and dedication to the front line of the fight against this pandemic. Their duty is for the health of humanity,” he concluded.

Author: Pradnya Wicaksana

Editor: Nuri Hermawan

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