UNAIR holds vaccination sessions to achieve herd immunity

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One of UNAIR students getting vaccinated at ACC Campus C. (Photo: Feri Fenoria R)

UNAIR NEWS – Universitas Airlangga, through its Directorate of Academic Affairs, held Covid-19 vaccination sessions at the Airlangga Convention Center Campus C on Saturday – Sunday, July 24-25, 2021. For two days, approximately six thousand doses of Sinovac vaccines will be given to achieve herd immunity in Indonesia. The vaccination session was carried out in collaboration with UNAIR Hospital and UNAIR Alumni Association (IKA UA) by targeting students, alumni, administrative staff, and their families.

In the middle of the vaccination process, UNAIR Director of Academic Affairs, Prof. Dr. Sukardiman, Apt., MS, explained that, in essence, the vaccination sessions were held in the context of accelerating the Indonesian Government’s vaccination program. In the context of education, Prof. Sukardiman said that holding these vaccination sessions would make UNAIR ready to apply the blended learning method in the next odd semester.

“This is an effort from UNAIR so that herd immunity can be achieved within UNAIR extended family. So the targets who get vaccine injections are not only students, but also lecturers, administrative staff, and members of IKA UA as a form of gratitude for supporting this activity,” said the Professor of the Faculty of Pharmacy.

Professor Sukardiman also explained that approximately five hundred students from other universities registered in these vaccination sessions. He means that this activity is not designed exclusively for UNAIR’s extended family, but UNAIR also intends to achieve herd immunity in several universities in Surabaya.

The UNAIR Director of Academic Affairs also hoped that this mass vaccination event will not be the only session and will be held again in the future. He added that herd immunity is impossible to achieve if it is only carried out once because the COVID-19 vaccination must be carried out at least twice.

“Therefore, in the next month, we will hold this mass vaccination program again. For the next program, likely, we will also get offers for different vaccine brands and with even more doses,” he explained. “Hopefully, it could realize herd immunity and lecture activities can be carried out using blended learning,” he concluded.

Author: Pradnya Wicaksana

Editor: Nuri Hermawan

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