UNAIR Psychology Lecturer shares tips to overcome insecurity

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UNAIR NEWS – Feeling safe or secure is a basic need for humans. However, some situations make a person feel insecure, or often referred to as insecurity. According to Atika Dian Ariana, SPsi., M.Sc. lecturer at the Faculty of Psychology, insecurity is a feeling of inability, not sure of one’s own abilities, so it triggers fear, anxiety, or similar negative emotions.

“The anxiety that arises due to feeling insecure is actually an alert system from the body, for example, when we are close to an exam schedule, we study harder,” she said in the Mental Health Awareness Webinar During Pandemic, on Sunday, July 11, 2021.

She continued that eustress or beneficial stress became the motivation to prepare as best as possible. “It’s not that they usually don’t study, but when the exam is ahead, there is more encouragement,” said the lecturer at the Faculty of Psychology UNAIR.

According to Atika, insecure people feel uncomfortable in interpersonal relationships, and they tend to be picky when making friends. “Picky in making friends is allowed, but people who are insecure choose friends who have less power than them,” explained Atika. “They choose that way because they feel secure when they can control others of their own accord,” she continued.

Impact of insecurity

Atika explained that insecurity has an impact on a person’s daily life. People who feel insecure are afraid to get out of their comfort zone, so they are not optimal in developing their potential. “People who feel uncomfortable with the situation will have an impact on their performance being not optimal,” she said.

Insecurity also has an impact on relationships with other people. Atika said that insecurity makes it easy for someone to develop negative thoughts about others. “Insecure people find it difficult to trust others and have control issues that are synonymous with toxic relationships,” she said.

In addition to performance and relationships with other people, excessive insecurity will impact health, both mentally and physically.

Overcoming insecurity

Atika said that the main condition to change from being insecure is commitment. To overcome insecurity, a person must be committed to implementing self-love, loving themselves. Atika shared four tips:

  1. Improving your lifestyle to be healthier
  2. Recognizing and being aware of self
  3. Accepting and coming to terms with the experience
  4. Selecting the social environment

“Accepting and making peace is easy to say but difficult to do. If there is an unfollow feature on social media in the real world, we can also choose which environment is good and comfortable for us,” she said.

Finally, Atika advised that if you need help dealing with anxiety, you can seek help by confiding in friends, relatives, or family close to you emotionally. Furthermore, you can also ask for help at the initial psychological assistance service at 119-8 or the “Sejiwa” service.

“If the steps above have not been able to overcome and there are persistent complaints, you should immediately seek professionals such as doctors, psychologists, or psychiatrists,” she said.

Author: Tata Ferliana

Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh

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