UNAIR NEWS – A research conducted by the University of Oxford has gained public attention as it mentioned that people infected by Covid-19 showed brain abnormality compared to people who were not infected. The research analysed Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) result differences pre and post Covid-19. It is in line with the finding that those who just recovered from Covid-19 felt a little bit harder to do a complex mental assignment.
In this regard, Arief Bakhtiar, dr SpP(K) FAPSR, a lecturer from the Pulmonology & Respiratory Medical Sciences Department of Faculty of Medicine Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR), explained that this brain abnormality post-Covid-19 is called brain fog.
Brain fog as the effect post Covid-19
“Brain fog is a condition where someone feels difficulty concentrating and cannot focus when they are thinking about something,” said Arief. However, brain fog is not a disease but a symptom of a specific condition or disease that can affect someone’s ability to think and remember. Post Covid-19 symptoms are also called long Covid-19.

Although the research conducted by the University of Oxford revealed that brain volume decreased by 0.2-2 percent in the grey matter part and brain section concerning smell and memory senses, this research has not been able to confirm whether this brain abnormality is permanent. Arief said that brain fog complaints could be reduced by therapy by neurologists.
Brain fog prevention
The research conducted by the University of Oxford said that further study is necessary to see Covid-19 impact on the brain long-term. Arief suggested that common prevention for brain fog prevention is vaccination and health protocols.
“The main purpose of vaccination is to reduce severe responses of a disease so that it won’t cause severe manifestation. So perhaps it could also prevent great impacts to the brain,” stated Arief.
Arief suggested that the public should not panic because of this brain fog. “A suggestion for the public, if there is widespread information, it is better to read in detail, don’t just read the title and make a conclusion,” Arief concluded. (*)
Author: Tristania Faisa Adam
Editor: Binti Q Masruroh