Visiting UNAIR, French Embassy strengthens partnership

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Prof. Bambang Sektiari Lukiswanto and Mrs. Philomene Robin during discussion. (Photo: Agus Irwanto)

UNAIR NEWS – As a world-class university, Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) often collaborates with partners from various parts of the world. This time, UNAIR has established collaboration with the French government, represented by the French Embassy’s Education and Universities Attaché for Indonesia and Timor Leste, Mrs Philomene Robin.

Welcomed in the Plenary Meeting Room of the UNAIR MERR (C) Campus on Tuesday, March 29, 2022, Mrs Philomene Robin was accompanied by Mrs. Sandra Vivier, Director of IFI Surabaya, and Mrs. Indri Novitasari, Manager of Campus France Surabaya. Prof. Bambang Sektiari Lukiswanto as Vice Rector for Academic, Student, and Alumni Affairs, Iman Harymawan PhD as Director of Airlangga Global Engagement (AGE), and several faculty leaders welcomed them.

On that occasion, Iman Harymawan said that the relationship between UNAIR and France has been going on for quite a while. Collaborations have been done for international seminars, clinical electives, student research projects, and other inbound student activities. The implementation of these activities, he continued, were collaborations with several universities and institutions in France.

The lecturer in the Accounting Department also said that there are many potential sectors for collaboration. He mentioned various collaborations, from staff and student exchanges, research collaborations, international internship programs to double-degree agreements. “This is not limited to a few courses, it can be five and even ten courses. Most importantly, it must be prepared properly, “said Iman.

Iman also explained that UNAIR has suitable facilities to be used as research centers and collaborative activities between the two parties. In the health sector, UNAIR has a general hospital, a veterinary hospital, a dental and oral hospital, a hospital for infectious diseases, and a pharmacy center.

Meanwhile, the Education and Higher Education Attache of the French Embassy, Mrs. Philomene Robin, stated that she was very pleased to attend and explore cooperation with one of the best universities in Indonesia. “We want more Indonesian students to study in France. It could improve the relationship between both institutions,” added Philomene.

Furthermore, she also said that France opens the widest opportunities for Indonesian students. The French government has provided scholarships to students around the world as well as job opportunities after graduation. Philomene also stated that France is one of the advanced countries in innovation and research.

“In terms of Indonesian students studying in France, the number of Indonesian students fluctuates, it increases, or vice versa. These students generally focus on postgraduate studies,” she explained.

Regarding exploring collaborations with UNAIR, she revealed some priorities, such as education in veterinary medicine, agriculture, tropical diseases, marine studies, and political studies.

“For us, a double degree is one of the best options that can be done between UNAIR and France,” continued Philomene when responding to the mechanism of collaboration in the field of maritime studies (*)

Author: Afrizal Naufal Ghani

Editor: Nuri Hermawan

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