UNAIR NEWS – Universitas Airlangga Alumni Association (IKA UNAIR) has inaugurated the United Kingdom international branch on Tuesday, March 15, 2022. Head of IKA UNAIR Hj Khofifah Indar Parawansa MSi also inaugurated Prof Dr Delvac Oceandy MD PhD and Abdul Kodir as the Head and Secretary.
Liaison for the world’s large organizations
In her opening speech, Khofifah mentioned that UNAIR alumni in the United Kingdom are likely to be liaisons and collaborators to international organizations. Moreover, UNAIR is developing the Red and White vaccine that needs supports from the World Health Organization (WHO).
“Especially for the development of the Red and White vaccine that needs international organizations’ support. The support from alumni can be a form of dedication to the alma mater,” said Khofifah.

In support of reducing gas emission
England has been known as the green economy, green finance, green building, and green infrastructure pioneer. The four are the concept of sustainable development with environmental insight. The implementation of the four can result in decreasing gas emissions.
“The four things are similar to what UNAIR and East Java are currently committed to. Therefore, I hope that UNAIR alumni in the United Kingdom can support the efforts to a green economy, green finance, green building, and green infrastructure by learning from the country,” she said.
“If we implement the four well, it will minimalize gas emission and will be influential to the region and university privilege,” added the FISIP UNAIR alumna.
Alumni could be the liaisons to United Kingdom’s government. Moreover, remembering Indonesia’s position as the G20 presidential will be strategic to contribute to reducing gas emission.
Collaboration with regions
Besides program and encouragement, Khofifah shared work opportunities in the scope of the Provincial Government (Pemprov) of East Java. She offered the opportunity to alumni who want to improve the province together.
“We will be very happy if alumni who are currently continuing their study in England could contribute to Pemprov East Java. Not only because of me as the Governor of East Java,” she stated.
“This could also be alumni’s service for alma mater,” she emphasized.

Attended by Rector and the Ambassador
Rector of Universitas Airlangga Prof Dr Mohammad Nasih SE MT Ak and Dr Desra Percaya, the Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to the United Kingdom, also attended to give a speech. Along with Khofifah, Prof Nasih also expected alumni contributions about the Red and White vaccine.
Furthermore, Dr Desra congratulated them for the IKA UNAIR United Kingdom management inauguration and closed his welcome speech with a typical Surabaya quatrain. “Dina Sebtu melbu ning Pasar Kedurus, golek soto sing nganggo koya. UNAIR maju terus, IKA UNAIR selalu berjaya,” he said.
Author: Fauzia Gadis Widyanti
Editor: Feri Fenoria