UNAIR NEWS– Taiwan Higher Education Fair (THEF) 2022 event was the fruit of the successful cooperation between Universitas Airlangga, Asia University, and China Medical University. The annual education fair was held for two days, Saturday and Sunday, March 13, 2022, online through the www.taiwanedufair.com website.
Taiwan Education Center in Surabaya (TECSID), the organizer, said that 47 universities all around Taiwan would participate this time. Some of them are China Medical University, University of Taipei, National Taiwan University, and Asia University.
In her welcoming speech, Nicole Yen Yi-Lee, as Director-General of the Ministry of Education of Taiwan, mentioned that her party offered many scholarships and special education programs to Indonesian students. One in demand was the Elite Study in Taiwan (ESIT) scholarship program provided for lecturers in Indonesia.
“Under the New Policy to the South by the Government of Taiwan, the Ministry of Education of Taiwan offered many scholarships and programs to promote collaborative research and education cooperative relation between Taiwan and Indonesia,” said Nicole.

Furthermore, Rector of UNAIR Prof Dr Mohammad Nasih SE MT Ak stated that THEF implementation reflecting the cooperation between Indonesia and Taiwan in education had been established remarkably. It was very important because, he continued, in the globalization and digital technology era, universities have an essential role in promoting global understanding and improving education quality in a more connected world.
He hoped that the ranged opportunities presented by dozens of universities in THEF could be fresh air to education improvement and resources to Indonesia and Taiwan. “I hope this event can be a space to nurture the young generation’s talents for a better world,” he concluded.
Although the event was being held virtually, THEF 2022 agenda seemed to be flooded with participants. In total, there were more than 11.000 participants who attended the fair.
Participants can visit the three-dimensional booth from every campus participating in the fair. The event organizers also provided the universities’ contact for the participants to ask directly. By collaborating with 47 universities all around Taiwan, the fair was expected to provide comprehensive information about universities in Taiwan. (*)
Author: THEF 2022 Committee