Penyaluran Aspirasi Anggota, AUBMO Gelar Meet Up Anggota 1

Read more about the article Penyaluran Aspirasi Anggota, AUBMO Gelar Meet Up Anggota 1
Sesi Foto Bersama Meet Up Anggota 1 AUBMO. (Foto: Azka Fauziya)

UNAIR NEWS - AUBMO merupakan organisasi yang menaungi mahasiswa-mahasiswi bidikmisi SIKIA Universitas Airlangga. Dalam hal ini, seluruh rangkaian program kerja yang dicanangkan akan berhubungan langsung dengan mahasiswa bidikmisi & KIP-K.…

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Histopathology and renal function in wistar rats after intravascular injection of iodinated contrast media iohexol and iopamidol

Read more about the article Histopathology and renal function in wistar rats after intravascular injection of iodinated contrast media iohexol and iopamidol
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Contrast media is a group of medical drugs used to increase the visibility of internal organ structures by X-ray based imaging techniques, such as radiography and computed tomography (CT). This…

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Covid-19 spread dynamics model by paying attention to comorbidity through fractional derivative approach

Read more about the article Covid-19 spread dynamics model by paying attention to comorbidity through fractional derivative approach
Illustration by Media Indonesia

The deadly Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) which was first reported in the city of Wuhan in china is one of the most deadly epidemics the world has ever experienced. From Wuhan,…

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Konflik Ukraina-Rusia, Pakar Hubungan Internasional Sebut Sanksi Terhadap Rusia Masih Unilateral

Read more about the article Konflik Ukraina-Rusia, Pakar Hubungan Internasional Sebut Sanksi Terhadap Rusia Masih Unilateral
Suasana diskusi CSGS Lecture Series pada, Jumat (11/3/2022). (Foto: Ghulan Phasa P)

UNAIR NEWS - Semakin rumitnya konflik yang terjadi Ukraina dan Rusia, semakin banyak pula negara yang mengutuk dan menjatuhkan sanksi terhadap Rusia layaknya krisis Krimea 2014. Pakar Ilmu Hubungan Internasional…

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Association of stigma with mental health and quality of life among Indonesian COVID-19 survivors

Read more about the article Association of stigma with mental health and quality of life among Indonesian COVID-19 survivors
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Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) survivors face societal stigma. The study aims to analyze the association of this stigma with the mental health and quality of life of COVID-19 survivors. Method…

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Pakar Politik UNAIR Menilai Penundaan Pemilu Melanggar Konstitusi

Read more about the article Pakar Politik UNAIR Menilai Penundaan Pemilu Melanggar Konstitusi
Prof. Ramlan Surbakti, M.A., Ph.D., Guru Besar bidang Ilmu Perbandingan Politik, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Universitas Airlangga

UNAIR NEWS - Isu penundaan pemilu yang diusulkan oleh sejumlah petinggi parpol masih bergulir di masyarakat. Menanggapi hal ini, Prof Ramlan Surbakti Drs MA PhD menyatakan bahwa hal ini bertentangan…

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