A study of behavioral intention in the practices for mobile payment technology users in Indonesia

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Behavioral Intention refers to the desire or interest to do specific behaviors, which means someone’s willingness to perform the behavior. In behavioral science concept, intention or desire represents an urge to manifest that behavior. Behavioral Intention in this study reflects a person’s tendency to use certain technologies to facilitate the achievement of goals. The desire to continue to use, and the desire to influence other users can predict someone’s level of technology use. According to TAM (Theory of Acceptance Model) theory, Perceived Ease of Use and Perceived Usefulness are the determinants of technology application.

In previous studies, Perceived Ease of Use is proved to affect Behavioral Intention to own and use the technology. Perceptions of ease of use that are felt by individuals are obtained through information or references obtained by individuals from others. However, there are studies showing that Perceived Ease of Use does not affect Behavior Intention significantly, which might be due to the respondents’ familiarity with technological sophistication, hence the sophistication of this technology does not challenge their ability to understand and use it. To solve the existing research gap, the concept of Perceived Usefulness variable is used to become a mediator in this study which is based on the research concept of Khabir, Saidin, and Ahmi (2017). Perceived usefulness refers to the degree to which an individual believes their output will be enhanced after using a system. In this study, Perceived Usefulness is how someone believes that their decision to use mobile payment services will increase their productivity, especially in making payment transactions. 

PT. GO-JEK has launched GO-PAY into a Financial Technology company and has been legalized by Bank Indonesia. E-money, according to Bank Indonesia, is the use of money in internet or mobile payment transactions using electronic devices. GO-PAY is an electronic wallet service to facilitate online payment transactions on the GO-JEK application and beyond. Piotr Jakubowski, the Chief Marketing Officer of PT. GO-JEK Indonesia said GO-PAY is GO-JEK’s electronic wallet service that makes it easier for people to use GO-JEK services.

Financial Technology is an innovation in the financial sector and aims to ease users to carry out financial activities and support companies to provide services. Ease of use is one of the reasons why GO-PAY is used by consumers. The convenience provided in using this service is that there is no need to use cash, this convenience is included in the ease of use of the GO-JEK application. There are several other forms of convenience, namely ease of use in stores and restaurants, then ease of top-up balances.

This research is quantitative research, aiming to test hypotheses that have been determined. This study uses a conclusive design method, namely causal research, to determine the causal relationship of the variables used. The data collection used survey method. The population of research is all users of GO-PAY mobile payment technology in Indonesia. The sampling technique used is non-probability with a purposive sampling type where this technique only selects a certain group that can provide the information needed and meet the criteria determined by the researcher. The criteria in this study are individuals who have used GO-PAY in the past one year.

In this study, the sample size is determined by the number of parameter variables used. Parameters can be interpreted as a value or condition that is used as a benchmark for other values or conditions, in this case the parameter of the variable in question is an indicator. This study has 13 parameters, so the minimum sample size that must be obtained is 13 x 10 = 130respondents.There were 137 respondents who had responded to the questionnaire and met the criteria. It must be admitted that the weakness of this method is that the data obtained does not cover all provinces in Indonesia. However, statistically, this method has met the requirements of inferential statistics.

The data analysis technique in this study used the Partial Least Square (PLS) program. PLS itself is a variant-based structural equation analysis (SEM) that can simultaneously test structural models, which are part of SEM. PLS analysis is a multivariate statistical technique by using multiple dependent variables and multiple independent variables and can be used to predict the effect that occurs between the relationship between exogenous and endogenous variables.

This research is essential for business players who use mobile payments to carry out business practices because this study shows how consumers behave in using mobile payments for daily transactions. This study is expected to contribute to world business development, where the use of mobile payments is currently very prevalent. Besides, mobile payment providers can improve feature improvements to support the business world to become cashless for ease of transactions. Future studies can use more sample across all provinces in Indonesia and use a stratified sampling method for more precise results. Besides, the number of samples can also be enlarged and certain criteria can be provided to get more specific results.

Author: Prof. Dr. Anis Eliyana, S.E., M. Si.

Detailed information from this research can be seen in our article: https://www.webology.org/abstract.php?id=1465

(A Study Of Behavioral Intention: The Practices For Mobile Payment Technology Users In Indonesia)

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